Gardaí launched a murder investigation following the disappearance of a boy from Drogheda, Co Louth, after receiving “specific information” that the child was dead, it is understood.

They are investigating if Kyran Durnin (8) may have died months before he was reported missing.

A missing person’s report was filed at Drogheda garda station on August 30 and gardaí were told the boy was last seen alive in the town two days earlier.

Following extensive inquiries, detectives do not believe this sighting was accurate, and they have not been able to establish a confirmed sighting for Kyran so far this year.

A source said last night: “There has not been a confirmed sighting of this child in over a year and pos­sibly even longer. Investigations are still ongoing to establish the timeline of events and confirm exactly when he was last seen alive.

“Specific information has been received that this child is dead and this, along with other enquiries, have led gardaí to upgrade it to a murder investigation.”

Hand Street, Drogheda, Co Louth

Gardaí took the rare step of launching a murder inquiry, despite no body being recovered yet, on foot of­ information received during their investigation.

No crime scene has been identified.

Gardaí said in a statement yesterday: “Despite extensive enquiries carried out by gardaí to date, An Garda Síochána have been unable to either locate Kyran, identify any information on his current whereabouts or any evidence that he is currently alive.

“Following enquiries to date, investigating gardaí now believe that Kyran is missing presumed dead.

“A murder investigation has been commenced.

“The investigation is being led by a senior investigation officer based out of an incident room established at Drogheda garda station.

“Tusla, Ireland’s Child and Family Agency, is working closely with and fully co-operating with the garda investigation.”

No arrests have been made and the investigation is ongoing.​

On the street where Kyran used to stay in Drogheda, neighbours said they were shocked to learn the investigation into his disappearance had been upgraded to a murder inquiry.

Hand Street is close to the centre of the town. The locals are mainly elderly and many said they were aware that Kyran had been reported missing a few weeks ago.

“The gardaí have been around over the past few weeks asking if any our children or grandchildren had been playing with him,” one local ­woman said.

An elderly man added. “It’s very sad. The poor little lad. I hope he’s found.”

Nobody we spoke to could remember seeing Kyran.

“It’s awful news and I hope the guards get to the bottom of it all,” one woman said.​