As I’ve made the rounds in my first month on the job, I’ve met incredible people who care deeply about what they do. However, I have felt that as an organization, we are missing a strong pride and passion about being a TTC employee – or the swagger all our employees should have because they work at one of the largest and best transit agencies in North America.

Having employees who are empowered is motivating. Having employees who feel valued and heard is motivating. And when our employees are empowered, there is little the TTC cannot accomplish. Whether it’s frontline employees, office staff, or the C-suite executives, all of us at the TTC have the duty to make sure our customers reach their destination safely and with a strong customer experience.

That’s how we want everyone who works at the TTC to feel, and I plan to lead by example.

I am already a visible presence in the TTC system and our many shops, facilities and office. I will do more! I am accountable and the biggest cheerleader for better service, cleaner stations, and mutual respect.

I want our customers and employees to have the best experiences possible. I want customers to know we’re here to serve them. I want our employees and customers to treat each other with respect and compassion.

Beyond improving the external perception of the TTC, I will continue to push for tangible improvements and infrastructure renewal, building on the foundations laid by my predecessors and starting with the funding we need to replace the aging vehicles and signalling systems on Line 2. We also need to ensure we are ready to begin safely operating Lines 5 and 6 (Eglinton and Finch West).

I knew that taking the job of Interim CEO was not going to be easy. In fact, it’s one of the reasons I was interested in the position in the first place. For me, it was an opportunity to sink my teeth into some of the ongoing challenges the industry and agency faces and bring new solutions. After all, those who know me know I’m a doer. Providing high performing customer service is a commitment and a privilege, not a choice!

This is by no means a knock against any of those who have come before me. The issues we have with service reliability and state-of-good repair did not happen overnight. I know everyone who has ever held this position has done their level best to address these things in meaningful and sustainable way.

And now it’s my turn.

So, what are my priorities? What’s my plan? How will I be different from previous CEOs?

These are all fair questions.

At the top of my list is restoring the public’s trust in the TTC. You need to know, see and experience that we really are the better way to get around this city.

My background is in operations and customer service – and I am going to focus there. While it may sound obvious, providing reliable and consistent transit service that is – above all—safe, is the pinnacle of great operations.

But delivering on this promise is not about one person – it’s about the more than 17,000 TTC employees. It’s a team approach requiring everyone to be vested in our shared success.

Without a doubt, it starts with me as CEO.

This is what I promise you all one month into the job. I am here to make sure the TTC has swagger and pride once again.

— Greg Percy is Interim CEO of the Toronto Transit Commission