Dick Strawbridge left his wife Angel Adoree in a fit of giggles during a recent episode of their podcast – Dick and Angel… Chat-eau – after referring to his “buffed” bald head.

Sitting down together once again, the couple discussed how Strawbridge returned to the UK for a few days to visit The Royal Corps of Signals.

Addressing the fact that he left his wife, Adoree jibed: “Dick went away, he left!”

Strawbridge quickly shut her down and corrected: “Woah woah be careful, we are just about to go on tour.

“We’ll hear these headlines again ‘Dick deserts Angela’ I left her here in the windy Chateau while I went back to the UK.”

Retracting her previous statement and explaining where he had been, Adoree explained: “Well you had this appointment in the diary for two years.

Dick Strawbridge

Dick Strawbridge made a joke about his “buffed” bald head


“And our tour got put in after this was in the diary, but you are a man of your word. Just explain, what was you up too?

As per usual, Strawbridge didn’t take the question too seriously and began to tease Adoree, claiming he had been to the spa to be made “pretty”.

Bouncing off of her husband, Adoree noted that he had been to get his eyelashes done, leaving the 65-year-old to joke: “I got my bald patch buffed…”

Quickly realising that it sounded risqué, he retracted: “No no, you can’t really say that! It sounded wrong when it came out there. Can you imagine someone having a bald patch buffing job?”

Dick Strawbridge

Angel Adoree was given the giggles by her husband’s joke


Trying to regain her composure after giggling at his comment, Adoree added: ”If you are listening to this I would love to know what you had in your mind…

“Because it started off with someone with someone and a little microfibre buffer, that you do the glasses and then all of a sudden it went to a big buffing machine!”

As she continued to laugh at her husband’s expense, Strawbridge hit back: “Well that’s really nice. Dorothy usually rubs the top of my head, Charlotte always used to rub the top of my head.

“In fact, both Charlotte and Dorothy used to rub my head to warm their hands up because there is a little warm panel at the top so they have always done that.”

Dick Strawbridge and Angel Adoree

Dick Strawbridge and Angel Adoree often tease one another during their podcast episodes


Adoree revealed that she had cold hands whilst they were recording the podcast, with Strawbridge telling listeners: “Yeah you have got cold hands, my bald patch is quite warm, isn’t it!

“And for those of you who we are in your ears talking, at this moment in time, Angela has her hands on top of my head warming up

“Enough of that behaviour. I didn’t go to a spa I went back to the Royal Corps of Signals.”