Dealing with the laundry can become a real headache, particularly when trying to get clothes dry in damp conditions. To alleviate this issue, TikTok sensation @neat.caroline, or Caroline Solomon, has unveiled an ingenious trick to reduce the drying time of garments from an entire evening to just one or two hours.

Labelled as the “burrito” method for accelerated clothes drying, she demonstrates her savvy approach in a video referred to as: “How to dry clothes fast without a dryer.”

Commencing her tutorial, Caroline lays out a towel flat and positions a moist shirt at the end. Her subsequent step involves tightly rolling up the towel and T-shirt together from the base upwards akin to making a “burrito”, reports the Express.

The critical stage is squeezing out the surplus water by applying pressure on the rolled towel, which Caroline does using her knees to maximise force. After the towel is unrolled, hanging the article of clothing on a drying rack should see it “will dry in one to two hours instead of overnight,” as per the cleaning whiz’s advice.

When tested by, the innovative burrito tactic was notably successful. For those pressed for time and needing even faster results, Caroline proposes a brief stint with a hairdryer following the burrito technique could render the garment dry in a mere “one minute”.

Deyan Dimitrov, the cleaning guru and founder of Laundryheap, also chipped in with several useful “quick-dry” tips ideal for anyone grappling with wet weather during the chillier seasons. Among his priceless tips is the recommendation to keep drying racks away from walls when air-drying clothes in winter.

After laundering your clothes, aim to hang them as far from any walls as possible. This allows air to circulate freely around the garments while they’re drying and prevents moisture from being trapped between the clothing and walls.

To dry clothes “quickly and effectively”, strive to leave ample space between each item on the line or drying rack. The same rule applies for using hangers: it may seem strange, but creating space between items can actually “speed up” the drying time by enhancing airflow.

Using a hair dryer after will leave your top moisture-free in ‘one minute’ (Image: Getty Images)

After washing, hang your damp clothes in well-ventilated entryways or other snug spots (consider near radiators, by windows, or close to doors) within your home. Warm or cool drafts in these areas will expedite the drying, ensuring air continues to circulate around the room and your clothes alike.

Eliminate any remaining damp or musty smells with a smart pre-drying technique. To do this, begin by laying your clean laundry on a flat surface and cover it with a fresh towel, then give it a quick iron.

This touch of heat initiates the drying correctly, while the towel absorbs excess moisture, keeping those unpleasant odours at bay.

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