A Co Down boy has become the youngest person ever to reach the highest peak in all 32 counties on the island of Ireland — and all just one day before he turned seven.

The Ireland’s County Highpoints challenge was completed by eight-year-old Armagh schoolboy Oscar McKinney last year and Dillon Lynch (9), from Cork, in 2016.

However, Leon Toase, from Mayobridge, has now topped the two previous record-breakers by a whole year.

He started the challenge in February and finished last week, taking a total of seven months and 23 days to finish it.

His dad, Andrew, completed the impressive hikes alongside his son and said that it was inspired by the pair’s love of being in the mountains.

“Leon has been out in the mountains since he was no age at all, and my wife Sorcha came home one day with a book detailing the walks for peaks in each county and suggested we give it a go,” he said.

“I had a word with Leon and he was happy to try it. We started off local, doing Slieve Gullion (573m) and Slieve Foy (589m) in Co Louth, and it sort of snowballed from there.

“It has mostly just been me and Leon, but on various hikes other people have joined us along the way — friends, family, his wee brother and his mum.

“The last one was Lugnaquilla (925m) in Co Wicklow which we completed last week and was the second highest after Kerry’s Carrauntoohil (1,038m).”

Leon during his first hike of 32 at the peak of Slieve Gullion

Andrew said it was a “no-brainer” that they would complete the challenge when they started out.

“Leon has always been a very active child and always enjoyed hiking and overnight camps in the Mournes from the age of three,” he said.

“Leon also enjoys gymnastics squad training twice weekly and swimming.

“It was a no-brainer that we would complete it and I thought it was going to be tougher for me than it was for him.

“We gave ourselves his seventh birthday as the goal and we weren’t sure if we were going to make it, but these past few weeks have given us a run of great weather, so we were able to tick them all off the list just a day shy of his seventh birthday.”

Leon with his dad Andrew

In addition to breaking the record, the P3 pupil also decided to raise money for his school — St Colman’s Primary School in Saval.

“When Leon started doing the hiking challenge, he was getting lots of attention on social media and decided he wanted to try to raise some money for his school, who have been so supportive,” Andrew said.

“Within just 24 hours of posting, he surpassed his target of £320 — a tenner for every county — and has now raised well over £500.

“We were simply blown away by the amount raised.

“We just thought that we could do some good for the platform we created and now will go towards our son’s education.”

Leon has been hiking and camping in the Mournes with his parents since he was three

And as the dust settles on his challenge, Leon already has his sights set on (much) bigger things.

“We met a few people on our hikes who had climbed Everest and Leon now has it in his head that it’s next for him,” said Andrew.

“I’m going to try to talk him into a few more local ones for the next challenge before we have to buy flights to Nepal, though.

“Maybe the Mourne Wall or possibly the seven sevens.”

​Andrew has been documenting Leon’s journey on Instagram, which you can view at by searching for the @leonkadventures handle.