The director of homelessness services for Simon Community talks about getting outdoors and busy weekends with family

The best time to get up at the weekend is? Do you treat yourself to a lie-in?

I have two children who are aged eight and six so a lie-in at the weekend is not a normal occurrence! I like to go to the gym at 8am on a Saturday so that gets me up and out and then it’s behind me for the rest of the day.

My working week is very busy so technically going to the gym at 8am, rather than 6:30am is a lie in.

Breakfast or brunch?

I am not a great breakfast eater — I tend to grab a coffee, an essential part of my morning, and then wait till lunchtime till I eat. However, at the weekend I love a toasted soda with butter! It is an absolute treat after the gym to drop my daughter to her dance class and go to a local café with a book for 45 minutes and enjoy brunch.

​What does an ideal Saturday look like?

Saturday starts with the gym, the kids’ activities, whether that is football or dance class, and then, if there’s time, with my husband and children. If I am not playing cricket with the local ladies team, I love to watch sport so during the Six Nations or the autumn internationals we are on the look out for somewhere to watch the rugby with a bit of atmosphere. The kids enjoy it as well! Outside of these times, a visit to a country park, the local cricket club to watch a game, or swimming at the local leisure centre if it’s raining.

​What would your perfect Sunday be like?

On Sundays, I love to head to church with my husband and kids in the morning. My faith is an important part of who I am and being part of a local church has always been a part of my life. We then just enjoy the company of each other or friends and the wider family.

Towards the end of the day I like to get organised for the week. This will involve doing the ironing, thinking about lunches and dinners, both for the kids and me. The working week is busy and I don’t tend to be in the same place each day so being prepared is key.

Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?

I love the outdoors! My husband surfs, the kids love the beach, and I love the sea. If I could have the sea without the sand it would be better, though!

I spent my early years in Cape Town in South Africa and was totally spoilt by beautiful beaches and weather that meant I was always outside.

​How have weekends changed as you have gotten older?

Weekends have got quieter as I have got older. Having drinks and nice food in the afternoon has become something I prefer to going out in the evening! When I was in my twenties I lived in London, which was wonderful. It was a season of life where I worked hard, and then enjoyed the theatre, markets, pubs, walks, museums and everything else London offered. I loved after work drinks in the London Bridge area!

​If you could eat out anywhere tonight in NI, where would you go and why?

The restaurant choices in NI are brilliant! There are so many new places popping up that the choices get harder each time I go out.

Neill’s Hill in Ballyhackamore is often a go-to venue for me; they do the most wonderful roast dinner on a Sunday.

​What would you have?

If it wasn’t a Sunday, I would have halloumi as a starter followed by steak as a main.

I would then enjoy a glass (or two) of malbec along with my food.

At weekends you’ll always make time to…

See my wider family and friends.

Do you sometimes work at weekends?

Simon Community is open 24/7, which sometimes means I have to work on weekends or evenings. Our temporary accommodation sites across Northern Ireland provide support to over 450 people every night, so being on call is part of my role. Across all our services we have an amazing staff team who do an incredibly challenging job, sometimes in very difficult circumstances. It’s honestly a privilege to work with them to support people experiencing homelessness, so I never mind stepping in whenever I’m needed.

Who would you most like to go for a drink with and why?

As a woman, someone like Jacinda Ardern has been inspiring and I’d love to have a drink with her. She showed the world that it is possible to balance your professional and personal life.

​Are you a weekend cook? If so, what’s your speciality dish?

I am South African by birth and so through the summer, especially at the weekends, we like to braai. It will include all things meat and sometimes braaibroodjies (a sandwich on the braai).

​What’s your dream Sunday dinner?

A beef roast dinner with Yorkshire puddings and cauliflower cheese.

​Who do you normally eat Sunday dinner with and where?

Normally we have a late afternoon roast dinner at home. That way we can have all the vegetables we like!

Too tired to cook — what are you ordering from the takeaway?

I love a Chinese takeaway.

​Heading for the cinema? What are you going to see?

I love to watch films which have some comedy in them. I am clear that I do not like horrors, sci-fi or films which are too violent. Most others I will give a go!

​Staying in… what are you watching?

Brendan Hunt, Hannah Waddingham and Jason Sudeikis in Ted Lasso

I am thoroughly enjoying Ted Lasso — it’s funny but has some really good lessons on leadership, which leave me reflecting a fair bit.

What are you reading?

I have recently read several books by John Boyne which I have really enjoyed. I particularly liked The Heart’s Invisible Furies.

​Bedtime is?

I am early to bed if I can be. I like to read a bit beforehand so will take a decaf cup of tea to bed about 9:30pm and aim to be asleep just after 11pm. I am taking part in Simon Community’s One Big Sleep Out event at Stormont Castle next month. I love my sleep so that is going to be tough challenge for me!

Kirsten will be taking part in the One Big Sleep Out event at Stormont in Belfast on October 11. Sign up at