Poor Timothy Doyon drew the short end of the stick when it comes to sex crimes against children.

The unlucky bastard from Lewiston, Maine, copped to sexually exploiting a child and possessing child pornography. On Thursday, the 29-year-old was sentenced to 35 years in prison.

In Canada, Krystel Lauzon will count the days until they’re back on our streets after committing similar crimes.

If you ask the transgender activist and pedophile Krystel Lauzon, she’ll tell you her perverted penchant for children is just a valid “sexual orientation.”

Nothing to see here, folks.

UNLUCKY TIMMY: In Maine, Timothy Doyon was caged 35 years for similar crimes. MAINE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY
UNLUCKY TIMMY: In Maine, Timothy Doyon was caged 35 years for similar crimes. MAINE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY

Or as one U.S. academic suggested, we should call these societal time bombs “minor-attracted persons.” The nutty professor lost their job.

But the 39-year-old Lauzon (formerly Danny) is very much in the game — except for a short stint in the penalty box.

In September, the courthouse frequent flier pleaded guilty to child pornography charges in Saint-Jerome, north of Montreal. For their crimes, Lauzon was sentenced to 32 months.


Of course, the court took into consideration that Lauzon is a trans woman and while on ice waiting for trial, conditions in detention were “extremely difficult.” Not as “extremely difficult” as a small child being sexually assaulted but, you know, still pretty tough.

According to Montreal’s La Presse, as recently as 2020, Lauzon identified themselves as a man. At that time they played auteur directing and filming a child in her social circle showering. The child was 10 years old.

NORMAL? Lauzon believes pedophilia is a normal “sexual orientation.” FACEBOOK
NORMAL? Lauzon believes pedophilia is a normal “sexual orientation.” FACEBOOK

Pedophiles like to share their conquests and tips and Lauzon was a part of the crowd, anxious for a show and tell with his sickening treasure. They took to pedophile forums to bask in the cheers of a like-minded coterie.

These twisted crimes occurred just months after they were sprung from prison. Lauzon was in the joint for producing child pornography.

And in pedo land, it’s share and share alike. Lauzon quickly began sharing the filth with other sex maniacs. Once, they even invited another pedophile to jointly masturbate while they enjoyed a rousing episode of child pornography.

According to La Presse, the twisted material in Lauzon’s possession was particularly stomach-churning: Girls mostly under 10, some young enough for diapers, being sexually assaulted by adults and forced into sex with animals. In other words, monstrous.


Who would look at these files? What kind of black soul does it take to not be utterly repulsed? Lauzon is the proud owner of just such an inner life.

Evidence presented at their bail hearing suggested that they were “advocating” for child sexual assault on the vile pedo forums where they were a queen bee.

“She made very disturbing statements, suggesting that her attraction to children was not an illness, but rather simply a sexual orientation,” the judge said, noting the “particularly odious nature of the files involving young girls who were abused and forced to submit to acts of bestiality.”

Even this was too much for a Canadian jurist who said Lauzon’s “deviance” had become significantly worse since their first bust. Still, there was plenty of time for hearts and flowers in court.

After being busted, Lauzon was caged in the Leclerc Correctional Institute — a female joint — and that was “difficult.” Indeed. Women’s prisons contain a lot of incarcerated mothers which is why so many female convicts and their advocates are outraged when a trans sex offender is in the house.

Here’s the punchline: A joint deal considers her woes and Lauzon only has 18 months to go plus three years probation.

American pedophile Timothy Doyon facing 35 long years in prison would consider that a sweet, sweet deal.

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