Re “Scrapping sanctimonious Toronto school board long overdue” (John Snobelen, Sept. 28): If the centrist, rational public cannot regain control of our well-funded public education system from left-wing school boards and the all-powerful, fulsome unions protecting them, the next step must be to rapidly expand ideology-free education for children in private and charter schools who understand what their core function is and execute it. Universities need to perform some serious soul searching here too and soon. What remains of their credibility is floundering.

Steve Peck

(There are too many consequences for things not to change in our education system. We expect those we elect to the school board to represent the majority of views but what has happened is they are the problem. We need choice and change immediately)


In response to the Letter to the Editor “Not Trump’s time” (Sept. 13), the writer is, of course, entitled to his opinion, but if he thinks that Kamala Harris is the better choice over Trump he is completely delusional. Unless he enjoys communism. Harris is the female version of Trudeau. Both of them are clueless when it comes to the economy and that is the most important issue right now. People are struggling to pay their bills, put food on the table, and fill their cars with gas. A vote for Harris, or Trudeau here in Canada, is more misery for the rest of us. With Trump in the White House again and Poilievre as PM, we just might see prosperity again.

Robert Onyskiw

(You’re probably right. With all that is going on in the world, former President Trump is the one capable of dealing with it)


Re “Toxic carbon tax losing former allies” (Editorial, Sept. 13): Jagmeet Singh says he will release his new climate plan before the next election and it will make big polluters pay their fair share — similar to Trudeau. Why is it that the Liberals always threaten to make the polluters and the rich pay their fair share only before an election? Is it only important then? No, but it’s more of the same opportunism and vote seeking time after time. Seems to me the elite pay a ton of tax already but the Libs and NDP use the optics for their gain when it’s convenient! Where is Pierre?

Dr. Steve Starkman

(It is a great talking point for the left to play this card)