Ontario’s police watchdog is investigating the death of a pedestrian in the Muskoka region who was allegedly hit by a police cruiser.

Ontario Provincial Police said the incident happened before 6 a.m. Sunday on Muskoka Rd. 169 in Bala.

The 25-year-old man was taken to a hospital where he later died from his injuries. The officer driving the police vehicle was also transported to a hospital as a precaution.

Due to the officer’s involvement, the OPP said it notified the province’s Special Investigations Unit which has invoked its mandate to look into the case.

The officer was driving in an unmarked police vehicle, according to the SIU.

The police watchdog said three investigators, three forensic investigators and one collision reconstructionist have been assigned to the case.

The SIU investigates situations involving police in which someone is killed, injured or accused of sexual assault.