An RAF recruitment stall on a university campus was shut down after pro-Palestinian protestors took over the event led by service personnel.

A group called Newcastle Apartheid Off Campus surrounded the student aviators with a flag that read “Free Palestine.”

Members of the Northumbria Universities Air Squadron – which trains students and prepares them for potential careers in the RAF – were advertising their service at the university.

In a social media post, the group said: “We shut the RAF down!!!”

They added: “Our university decided to invite the very people bombing our brothers and sisters in Yemen, aiding the bombing in Gaza and occupiers of Cyprus. Shame!”

GB News understands that the protest took place at a university careers fair, where a range of serving RAF personnel were promoting the University Air Squadron.

A senior RAF source told GB News that the RAF personnel took the decision to end their activities early as they did not want to create tension with the protestors or allow the situation to escalate.

They said that the airmen made the correct decision.

The source said that any responsibility for the security of the careers fair was with the organisers of the event.

The protest group said that they were opposed to what they described as Newcastle University’s role in “the Gazan genocide and Lebanese invasion.”