Translink has landed the highest scoring level of the standard for businesses in Northern Ireland awarded by responsible business network Business in the Community.

The prestigious award is an independent assessment of the commitment of an organisation to responsible business, improving the wellbeing for all in Northern Ireland.

Commenting on the importance of the Platinum standard for the public transport organisation, Chris Conway, Translink group chief executive said: “At Translink we are passionate about the transport transformation towards cleaner and greener travel that supports sustainable, economic growth, builds vibrant healthier communities and helps tackle the climate crisis and air pollution.

“The CORE standard recognises the value in the range of responsible business projects and initiatives we have developed and delivered which align with our Better.Connected strategy and I am extremely proud of the entire Translink team right across the business.”

“The CORE standard for Responsible Business has been designed to support businesses that are committed to integrating corporate responsibility into the way they do business. CORE is based on Business in the Community’s Responsible Business framework.

As part of the in depth evaluation process, Translink was independently assessed on its performance across a broad spectrum of business functions, including climate and carbon, community engagement, nature and biodiversity, equality diversity and inclusion, people development, stakeholder engagement, health and wellbeing, marketplace responsibility, purpose and governance, responsible leadership, and circular resources.

Kieran Harding, managing director, Business in the Community Northern Ireland, said: “CORE is designed to ensure an organisation has a coherent and strategic approach to responsible business and it’s brilliant to see Translink leading the way and being recognised with the Platinum level in CORE – The standard for Responsible Business.

“In achieving the highest scoring level of the standard, Translink has demonstrated its excellence in the responsible business agenda at the highest level.”