I don’t hold out a lot of hope for Rogers successfully running sports teams when they can’t run a cable system. Their menu for the cable station’s content is often in error. Sometimes the whole program is in error while at other times the episode description is wrong or missing. Consumer protection laws don’t allow shops to sell mislabelled foodstuffs, so why are cable companies allowed to mislabel their products? Both the consumer protection agency and the CRTC claim it’s not their problem. Canadians deserve better from this entertainment giant.

Steen Petersen                                                                                                                                                Nanaimo, B.C.

(Opening up the market to more completion would go a long way for Canadian consumers)


The epitome of democracy. For two years the NDP, with its secularist supply and confidence agreement, has controlled a large part of the fate of Canadians. They’ve been able to keep a brutally mismanaged and scandalous Liberal government in power when the vast majority of Canadians don’t want them in that position and have no confidence in them whatsoever. Now that the dippers have “ripped up” their agreement (until Singh can get his gold-plated pension and still control Canadian politics) the Bloc has stepped forward and will now usurp their position as the Liberals’ unctuous partner. Blanchet says he will perform the same service to keep the Liberals in power. He says he works for Quebec, not the Conservatives. By extension Canadians. How did our democracy become so egregiously broken?

Brad DerHoven                                                                                                                                                   Belleville

(A prime minister who only wants to hold on to power for as long as he possibly can has put us here. Now the separatists are in charge. This is Justin Trudeau’s Canada)


Re “Calling the Bloc’s bluff” (Lorne Gunter, Sept. 22): What would the Bloc do if they split up the country? Form their own military? Issue their own currency? Cut all financial ties with Canadian institutions? Confiscate First Nations land? I really hope we have another opportunity to call their bluff and all of Canada should be allowed to vote in a referendum rather than just the province whose hand is constantly in our pockets. Let the dog begin to wave the tail not the reverse.

Lori Crank                                                                                                                                                     Oakville

(A clear Conservative majority after the next election should deal with most of this)