Sorcha Eastwood has ruled herself out of the running to become the next deputy leader of the Alliance Party, saying her focus is on her work as an MP.

Nominations opened earlier this month to replace Stephen Farry in the role.

Ms Eastwood is among the party’s highest-profile representatives and had been linked in reports to the deputy position.

She became an MP at the general election earlier this year, winning the Lagan Valley seat that had previously been held by former DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson.

In a social media post, Ms Eastwood said: “Lot of speculation re nominations for Alliance Deputy Leader.

“My heart lies with the people of Lagan Valley who trusted me to be their MP.

“This is a very special job which I love and is a privilege to do.

“That’s my focus and I’ll continue to play my part as part of our leadership team.”

Mr Farry announced his resignation as deputy leader after he was unsuccessful in his bid to be re-elected as MP for North Down.

Stephen Farry said he would resign as Alliance Party deputy leader after he lost his seat in the general election (Liam McBurney/PA)

He had been deputy leader of Alliance since 2016.

The party had previously said nominations for the role will remain open until September 26.

A special meeting of delegates is to take place next month to select the successful candidate to work alongside Alliance leader Naomi Long.

Any serving MLA or MP can be nominated for the role.

Mr Farry will remain as deputy until his replacement takes up the role.

He previously said it had been a privilege to serve in the role, and that he is now considering his next steps after having served as a councillor, MLA, Stormont minister and MP.