In many respects, the elderly people in our community are not treated with respect. I believe we as a community forget too soon what the generation before us has done for us. Perhaps if we remembered what they have done even in the last 50 years, we would respect them more and show more appreciation for them. I value choice in long-term care. Seniors should be allowed to choose what type of long-term care they prefer, whether that be home care, public care, non-profit care, or for-profit care. Each person has a unique history, and our long-term care system should reflect those varied identities and needs. A fully public system of long-term care cannot provide the personalized religious, cultural, or ethnic long-term care setting that many seniors want. Elderly people are the ones who were mainly involved in the foundation of our community and have given us many things. Then we turn around and make sure that hospices provide euthanasia as if the elderly are worthless now. All life is sacred, and we should seek to protect it.

Gabriel Vandermaarel                                                                                                                                    Brantford, Ont.

(This is yet another area where our health-care system has failed. Seniors and their families absolutely must have a choice where their care is provided. Many do not want to put their elderly in a long-term care home and instead keep them in their own home, providing care. The system needs to have flexibility to do just that)


Another assassination attempt was recently directed at Donald Trump. Sadly, this is not surprising, but was to be expected. After all, the vicious, unrelenting vitriol continues to be unleashed on Trump by high-ranking Democrats, including Kamala Harris, and mainstream media outlets like CNN, MSNBC and ABC. According to these underhanded zealots, Trump is another Hitler, a threat to democracy, a racist, a misogynist, and a dictator. This repugnant character assassination rolls on unabated. Is it any wonder that some nutcase feels justified in killing Trump? One must legitimately wonder if the Democrats and their media outlets are deliberately disseminating this acrimonious attack on Trump in the hopes that he is assassinated. After all, do the majority of Americans have any faith in the policies of the cackling Harris and the left-wing lunatic Walz? If Trump is somehow eliminated, that would plunge the Republicans into a state of disarray, paving the way for a Democrat victory in November.

Harley Whitlock                                                                                                                                              Brantford, Ont.

(How do these would-be assassins keep getting so close to the former president? There are multiple investigations into the both attempts, but not enough detail. And it’s not just domestic threats against Trump, Iran has been making threats for years)