Tesco bosses are making use of the robotic security guards which shout at intruders in a menacing Northern Irish accent in a bid to cut down on the amount of break-ins.

Some shoppers have remarked that the accent is similar to that of an iconic Peaky Blinders character Inspector Chester Campbell, played by Sam Neill, who was born in Omagh.

Previous reports said the robots sounded like the late Rev Ian Paisley.

Store chiefs have installed PID360 devices made by security boffins Deter Tech at a series of at-risk locations across Manchester, Bristol and Newcastle according to employees.

Dubbed the “Ultimate Deterrent”, the anti-robbery solution “triggers alerts to store managers in just 47 seconds” and helps to prevent “80 per cent of intrusions”.

Promotion material states: “With its striking design, audio alerts, and LED illuminators, the PID 360 serves as a powerful deterrent against intruders on your site.

“It captures every activation with precision, and our dedicated team promptly reviews footage and escalates any unauthorised presence detected.”

On detecting an intruder the video guard device – used mainly on construction sites and by retailers – omits a 114 decibel “Star Wars-style” warning siren accompanied by flashing lights.

Seconds later a male voice with a heavy Northern Irish accent barks the following message: “Warning, this is security, your presence has been detected, the owner and police have been informed.”

A message including a video clip image of the intruder is then sent to a central control room manned by ex-police and military staff who will decide whether to call on-site security, the police or a mobile response team.

Commenting online, people quickly pointed out the “threatening Northern Irish accent” used on the devices is almost identical to that deployed by actor Sam Neill in the hit BBC gangster series Peaky Blinders.

In the show Chief Inspector Campbell was said to have built his reputation in Belfast where he was tasked with ridding the city of crime and corruption.

He is a detective chief inspector in the Royal Irish Constabulary, charged in the series with bringing Peaky Blinders feared gang boss Tommy Shelby and his crew to justice.

Writing on a blog for Tesco staff, one employee said: “That’s a rather ominous Northern Irish accent.”

With another replying: “Mister Shelby.”

Another person said: “Wee Northern Irish man in the box to deter criminals of course!

“I’m from NI, never seen one of these until I lived in England lmao surprised ones in Tesco.”

Others added: “I’m from NI and never seen one of these things, but I’m not surprised they’d get a guy from here to do the voice, supposed to be one of most aggressive accents in the English speaking world.”

A Scottish-based staff member said: “And I’m saying it as a guy from near Glasgow. Almost s*** it first time I heard it go off. What I find odd is seeing them in shops. Usually seen them on building sites and such. Always outdoors.”

Another added: “That’s an Armadillo, it’s a mobile CCTV system with motion sensors and audible warnings to scare off people in places you don’t want them to be.

“When you set these off an angry Northern Irish man shouts at you through the speaker.”

The links to NI kept coming: “My favourite thing about these is that they have Northern Irish accents.

“I never thought of our accent to be unsettling but I guess they can be to some people lol. Would love to see one (in Ireland) just for a nosy at it.”