The woman who defiantly called out UDA thugs who told her she had 24 hours to leave north Down is set to fight a drink-driving charge.

Hannah Marshall told Sunday Life she was innocent and would contest the charge at a hearing at Newtownards Magistrates Court next month.

The 32-year-old is accused of drink driving on Rathgael Road in Bangor in August last year.

After a mention before the same court last week, the case was adjourned to fix a date for the hearing.

When asked about the case, Marshall told Sunday Life: “I’m contesting it because I wasn’t actually in the car. I wasn’t drink driving, I was out of the car at the time.”

Marshall said she was still waiting to hear from police about a complaint against a woman and her boyfriend who allegedly attacked her while she was pregnant

She is also awaiting an update on the police investigation into the threats made against her by masked men who called to her sister’s home in July.

The incident was captured on doorbell camera footage which Sunday Life revealed after Marshall decided to make the matter public and call out the men who issued the threats.

One of the videos shows masked men at the front door of a house, making threats against her and the property.

One of them tells her she has “24 hours to get out”.

Speaking to UTV last weekend, Hannah said: “I’ve been targeted just for basically having a few words, and now that I’m speaking out and have stood up to them, I’ve been targeted even more.

“How would you feel if that was your mother? How would you feel if that was your granny? How would you feel if that was your family?

“You know, all I want is left alone. Is that so hard to ask for? I just want this threat lifted and a home beside my family.”

The incident is understood to have taken place in the Rathgill estate, on the outskirts of Bangor, where the West Belfast UDA controls the drugs trade.

The criminal gang has a long-established unit in the city and in Newtownards which refers to itself as the ‘North Down UDA’.