Bristol Live readers have been reacting to the rejected plans submitted to Bristol City Council, which included the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging points at a petrol station located in a conservation area. The council had previously rejected a similar application due to concerns about the impact on the conservation area.

According to the applicants, more charging infrastructure is needed to promote the uptake of electric vehicles. However, council planning officers raised issues about the potential urban clutter caused by plant equipment.

Every week dozens are validated by the local authority and we have selected some of the more interesting proposals. All planning applications submitted to the council have to be validated and are available for inspection by the public. Anyone is also allowed to submit comments about the applications — whether in support or objection.

The majority of applications are decided by planning officers at the council under delegated powers. However, some will go before elected councillors who sit on planning committees. No dates have been set for when the planning applications below will be determined. They can be viewed by going to the planning portal on Bristol City Council’s website.

The comments from readers reflect a mix of opinions on EV charging points and electric vehicles:.

Antigov humorously suggests that: “Electric cars the car for the elderly persons that’s moaning about the winter fuel allowance.”

While Shakspear can see a reason why the plans were rejected: “Well! As most responsible people know, electric and petrol don’t mix. Hope they are installed with this in mind, a spark could be disastrous, and I hope they don’t get in the way of the pumps. Also it’ll be a chilly waiting around for a couple of hours to charge.”

Table For Two shows why the chargers are needed: “Have a look at a public EV charging map for West Bristol. Nothing. No residential chargers, nothing other than Cabots Circus. It’s a joke.”

While Spankthemonkey is happy that the plans were denied: “Anything to disrupt the forced EV program.”

Ezergood disagrees: “Why do you prefer pollution?” and Table For Two says, “Yawn. No one’s forcing you. It’s a choice.”

Spankthemonkey replies to both with: “So in 2030 when you can only buy electric vehicles as new, that’s having a choice is it? Good one. Electric cars are not the future. They are a fad that will come unstuck a la diesel.”

YosserBlues believes: “BCC just hate cars. That decision (refusing electric car charging points) proves that the CAZ zone is a money making ruse dressed up as an environmental measure forced upon them by the previous Government. Jokers.”

So are you happy that these plans were rejected or does Bristol need more electric vehicle charging points? Let us know in the comments below or HERE.