The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland has announced that Baroness Foster will chair a new body promoting trade within the UK.

Speaking at the 25th Anniversary Summit of the Centre for Cross Border Studies in Dundalk, Co. Louth, he also underlined the new Government’s commitment to the establishment of Intertrade UK, which will be chaired by Baroness Foster.

Hilary Benn MP, has also appointed Anna Jerzewska, Alastair Hamilton and Aidan Reilly as members of the new Windsor Framework Independent Monitoring Panel.

These two bodies were proposed in the Safeguarding the Union Command Paper which facilitated the return of Stormont earlier this year.

Intertrade UK is set to launch as a new body which is dedicated to enhancing trade across the UK.

Its mission is to offer guidance and support to businesses, helping them expand their reach within the UK internal market and serve consumers in all parts of the UK.

It will also conduct research and publish insights aimed at advancing domestic trade and showcasing the full potential of the UK’s market to businesses and traders.

The Independent Monitoring Panel will monitor and report on the implementation of the Windsor Framework so that Government and other authorities are held to account.

Baroness Arlene Foster, Chair of Intertrade UK said: “I want to thank the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for confirming my new role as Chair of Intertrade UK.

“I am very much looking forward to taking up the role in order to promote trade within the UK internal market – something I am passionate about.

“I also look forward to working with the members of the Independent Monitoring Panel in providing advice and facilitation to help businesses expand their activities across the UK and to strengthen these important economic links.”

The Secretary of State said: “This Government is committed to implementing the Windsor Framework and taking all steps necessary to protect the UK internal market.

“I look forward to working with Baroness Foster in her role as Chair of Intertrade UK, as it begins its work facilitating and boosting trade across the UK.

“Her knowledge and experience will be crucial in promoting the opportunities that are available to businesses, further strengthening Northern Ireland’s place in the UK internal market, and helping deliver on this Government’s mission to drive economic growth.

“The Independent Monitoring Panel will play a key role in monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the Windsor Framework. I am pleased that three highly respected experts have agreed to join the panel, and welcome them to their roles.”

DUP leader Gavin Robinson welcomed the announcement by the NI Secretary.

He said: “(This) represents further delivery on the commitments contained in the Safeguarding the Union Command Paper. This is welcome, but there is still much to do.

“In our negotiations with the then Government, we secured an Independent Monitoring Panel to provide oversight of the workings of new arrangements and to ensure the Government and other public bodies are held to account for delivering in a pragmatic way the outworkings of new arrangements.

“Today’s appointments are a welcome step, and we will continue to assess the work of the Panel.

“The establishment of Intertrade UK is another important step towards boosting internal trade, and to promote the full extent of the UK’s market to businesses and traders. The appointment of Baroness Arlene Foster is a positive step given her vast experience in promoting Northern Ireland’s economy.

“There remains much more to do and we will continue to work with the new Government in that respect.

“Building on the progress to date, we will continue to fight to fully restore Northern Ireland’s place within the United Kingdom, including removing the application of EU law in our country and the internal Irish Sea border it creates.”