Northern Ireland’s political leaders have sent a united message that a funding pause on two city and growth deals must be lifted.

In a joint letter to the Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones and Northern Ireland Secretary Hilary Benn, the leaders of the five largest parties in the region said the deals covering Causeway Coast and Glens and the Mid South West would bring vital investment.

It followed a meeting between Stormont’s Finance Minister Caoimhe Archibald and Mr Jones and Mr Benn on Monday night.

The whole of Northern Ireland is covered by four city and growth deals worth a total of £1.7 billion.

A Westminster Government decision to pause funding until its upcoming spending review was met by widespread anger from local politicians when it was announced late on Friday.

Over the weekend it was clarified that two of the deals, Belfast regions, and Londonderry City and Strabane, will not be affected by the suspension.

However, the remaining two deals are still subject to the funding pause.

The letter to the Government figures was signed by Sinn Fein vice president Michelle O’Neill, DUP leader Gavin Robinson, Alliance Party leader Naomi Long, UUP leader-elect Mike Nesbitt and Colum Eastwood, outgoing leader of the SDLP.

They said: “We are writing following your meeting with the Finance Minister last night during which Dr Archibald urged you to reconsider the appalling decision to pause the Causeway Coast and Glens and Mid South West growth deals until the Spending Review.

“The Executive and indeed elected members from right across the Assembly are united in our message that the pause must be lifted immediately for these deals.

“In particular, there is considerable anger and frustration that a two-tier system is now operating between cities and rural regions.

“Your Government has spoken of its desire to spur economic growth and how key it is to improve prosperity.

“Local government and deal partners have invested considerable time, effort, commitment and enthusiasm into their deals which will be a catalyst for economic growth and creating good jobs.

“These deals will bring vital investment to towns right across Northern Ireland.

“If you are serious about your manifesto commitment, then this pause must be ended immediately.”

They added: “We urge you to reverse the pause on these deals and honour the commitments made to these deals which will bring hope and prosperity for our citizens, communities, businesses and future generations.”

The deals, which advance investment and infrastructure projects in specific areas, involve bespoke funding arrangements between the Treasury, the Stormont Executive and local partners.

The Belfast regions deal has already been signed by the Government and the Derry/Strabane deal is set to be signed this week.

The other two deals, which are subject to the funding pause, are not as far forward in development.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones (Jordan Pettitt/PA)

Ms Archibald said she had made it clear there should be no disparity in how the four deals are treated.

She said: “Local government and deal partners have invested considerable time, effort, commitment and enthusiasm into their deals, which will be a catalyst for economic growth and creating good jobs.

“I made clear to the Chief Secretary to the Treasury last night that there can be no disparity in treatment of the deals and that these regions should not have to wait until the spending review for clarity.

“I am determined to continue engaging with the British Government to make the case on the importance of these deals in delivering economic growth across the north.”