Two chartered accountancy firms in Belfast have announced a merger.

RBCA has now joined forces with Johnston Graham, with the new entity operating from RBCA’s offices on Linenhall Street.

The move will bring growth of nearly 60% to RBCA, and the addition of 1,000 clients.

Ross Boyd, who founded RBCA in 2010, said: “This is a significant moment for our businesses.

“It has enabled two local firms to consolidate resources and expertise and strengthen our offering to customers as a result.

“The enhanced RBCA entity will benefit from the reputation Johnston Graham has established over 21 years, and we are proud to be in the position to adopt its clients and provide them enhanced services through our talent, knowledge and innovation.”

Johnston Graham was founded by David Knox and Elaine Mulholland in 2003.

Mr Knox said: “We are delighted to merge with RBCA, a firm that has a proven track record in providing advisory services, as well as auditing and tax services.

“From the beginning of our conversations, it was clear that Ross prioritises the same values as Johnston Graham and has a clear vision for the long-term success of the business, demonstrated by a continued investment in the team, and the digital infrastructure to ensure that clients receive a truly valuable service that supports their businesses to remain profitable.”