Singing songs is a big part of summer camp for kids.

But how about the most kids singing a camp song?

On Aug. 22, 128 campers at Camp Laureate in Burlington, Ont., raised their voices in unison to set a new Kids World Record for the most kids singing a camp song together (in the gigantic group division, meaning a group of 31 people or more.)

“We’re trying to work with schools and camps to let them do this as part of their activities at summer camps,” explained Kids World Records founder Emile Hoffman.

“Because they go through a lot of excitement, and a lot of planning, … we want them to be able to set a record. So we kind of reserve it for a year and then when we hit 2025, any of these three records can be broken by any other camp.”

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The other two Kids World Records set by Ontario campers this summer were for making the longest copy of a DNA chain and the largest temporary mural.

Toronto-based Hoffman said he created Kids World Records five years ago as the father of a daughter — Eleanor, 9 — to help kids get engaged and acknowledged for setting world records. Hoffman said he feels like his efforts are paying off, as Kids World Records is now operating in over 55 countries.

Campers set a World Kids record for making the largest copy of a DNA strand.
Campers set a World Kids record for making the largest copy of a DNA chain. (Supplied photo)

In making the largest copy of a DNA chain, 986 kids at many science, technology and math camps, came together this year to assemble the project with Twizzlers, toothpicks and gummy bears.

“When we work with camps, we try to figure out, what are you all about?” said Hoffman. “Some of them are about sports, some of them are about arts, some of them are about STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). So we try to find records that sort of fit what they’re already trying to do.”

Kids at Joan of Arc Academy in Ottawa set a World Kids Record for the largest temporary mural. (Supplied photo)
Kids at Joan of Arc Academy in Ottawa set a World Kids Record for the largest temporary mural. (Supplied photo)

On Aug. 14, 45 creative young artists at Joan of Arc Academy in Ottawa came together to create the largest temporary mural — featuring the words, “JOA camps 2024,” and many images such as stars and hearts — measuring an impressive 18 metres.

“It’s a girls bilingual private school in Ottawa,” said Hoffman of the school where the mural was made.