Darragh Ennis, who is also known as one of the Chasers on ITV quiz show, ‘The Chase’ was told off by show bosses on his very first day. Known under his Chaser name of ‘The Menace’ on the show, the professional quizzer was invited to be the sixth Chaser just three years after impressing show bosses as a contestant on the show in 2017.

His debut has become the show’s second most watched episode ever, The Mirror reports, as Darragh revealed that he was told off by his superiors on his very first day, for not being ‘menacing enough’. He confessed that he hadn’t been nervous about joining the cast, and said: “I always back myself.

“I have no problem doing these things. I had a genuinely brilliant time recording, I wasn’t nervous, I don’t really get stage fright, so I just bounced out and thought ‘this is so much fun’. But the producers are saying, ‘you’re kind of meant to be the Menace, you are meant to be menacing’ because I was smiling so much. I was just having a great time.”

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The Chaser was completely unaware of his professional Chaser name, until host Bradley Walsh addressed him using it in front of contestants. Darragh, who also works as a scientist and researcher at the University of Oxford, added: “They had previously floated the idea of calling me the professor, but I asked them not to do that because I was working in university at the time.

“It wouldn’t be ideal for people who work very hard for years to get the title of a professor and for me to just be called one. Then they said ‘okay, we’ll come up with something’. But they never told me.

“I didn’t care, I told one of the producers on the show that I would wear chicken suits and if they gave me the job, I didn’t care. But I like it. It’s got good ties with me now.”

Darragh says he plans to continue his role on The Chase for a long while yet, having decided to take a step back from his career in science and research for a time. He said: “I know a lot of people say things like this because, they’re kind of toeing the party line. But, I love that show.

“I loved it before I was working on it and I love working on it. It’s so much fun. It’s a great, great show to work on.”

His true passion still lies in science, however and Darragh is releasing his first science book ‘The Body: 10 Things You Should Know’ on September 26. He has also admitted to becoming a quizzer “by mistake”, and said he hopes to one day be able to front a science based TV programme.

He added: ”There is a bit of a gap, and I’d really love to do proper, accessible, interesting science content for adults on TV. I just need to convince one of the channels to take me up on it. I would love to be the David Attenborough of science.”

The Chase recently celebrated its 15th anniversary and Darragh ‘The Menace’ Ennis hopes for another 15 years of the ITV show. He said: “Hopefully. You know, if I can pay off my house or I’ll have to go find another job.”