Anthea Hewitt has been able to make a modest income to supplement her pension since delving into homesitting in 2016.

The 78-year-old has been able to find some purpose in life from taking the job after her late husband passed away.

Since retiring, Hewitt has completed 111 homesits, caring for a myriad of animals, including 103 cats.

The pensioner joined Homesitters Ltd with her late husband Geoff in 2013 as they both loved animals. Together, they explored the Midlands, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, London and the Cotswolds, enabling them to enjoy an interesting and varied lifestyle.

After Geoff’s death in 2016, she found the role gave her life some purpose. Over the past five years, she has been able to find a new life partner who also enjoys making these moments with her.

Hewitt explained to GB News that the main rewards of Homesitters are exploring new places and spending time with pets. However, the financial rewards are also a bonus – she is able to make savings in energy bills which is all the more useful amid the cost of living crisis.

Hewitt and a cat

After her late husband passed in 2016, Hewitt found a role which gave her life some purpose


She said: “While homesitting for me is not primarily about financial gain, it does provide a modest income to supplement my pension, or as I like to say a bit of jam on my bread and butter!

“As well as the remuneration, we also get a small daily food allowance and travel expenses. Being away on regular assignments also means that I make savings on my energy and water bills, particularly during the winter.”

Being on assignment is like “going on a mini holiday, it’s thrilling” she added.

On assignments, she can visit local attractions, go for pub lunches, and take walks.


Homesitting provides her a “fulfilling experience” beyond the primary responsibility of caring for animals.

Retirees can earn hundreds of pounds extra each month for taking on homesitter duties.

At Homesitters Ltd, the minimum pay one can expect to earn for caring for a home for two weeks – without pets – is £333.06.

This includes a daily food allowance with 1 hour 45 minutes of duties a day.

The minimum pay to care for a home, with two dogs and a cat, for two weeks is £367.92 which also includes the daily food allowance.

On top of this, their mileage (to and from, and preliminary visit) is reimbursed to them.

Another benefit is that homesitters also make savings on their home utilities as they are away from home, and can stay at the home for free whilst homesitting.

Hewitt and a cat

Retirees can earn hundreds of pounds extra each month for taking on homesitter duties


Hewitt highly recommended the homesitting lifestyle and is trying to recruit friends into the role.

She concluded: “I would recommend it without hesitation. I have enjoyed every homesit I have been on and met lovely pets and their owners. Even after losing my husband, it gave me a real sense of purpose to carry on and do something useful.

“I love the challenge and I am up for almost anything.”