John Tavares was full value as a captain. As was Mike Babcock as a coach. How soon we forget. Tavares and Babcock had Toronto in position to contend and win the Stanley Cup. Nazem Kadri with two selfish suspensions and Frederik Andersen letting in just enough bad goals at the wrong times squandered Toronto’s best chances to win the Stanley Cup two years running. Fans and talk show hosts now Tavares bashing are another illustration of why Toronto fans receive so little respect outside their city. If backstabbing were a sport, Maple Leaf fans would win handily every year. Give respect, get respect. ‘Nuff said.

Rick Lockman

(You have obviously never heard commentators and fans in New York. The Leafs have a chance to get something done this season — let’s see if they do)

I am getting fed up with claims, particularly from government, of bad things happening due to “unintended consequences.” There is no such thing! There is lack of foresight. There is due diligence skipped. There is no logical thinking through to end results And there is certainly no proper planning. Next time you see or hear the “unintended” excuse, know that somebody was incompetent, and should be fired.

Larry McGuire
Perth, Ont.

(That’s not completely inaccurate. Most governments don’t think things through to their logical conclusion. It’s usually what is politically convenient at the time)

It’s hard to believe that the Liberal Party has become the party of anti-Semitism. If the hatred was against Muslims, Trudeau would be having a hissy fit. But against the Jews he doesn’t care. He can ban Jewish charities. He can allow members of his caucus to spew hate, as Jenica Atwin is doing in Fredericton. When the head of a public service union posts a disgusting video of an Israeli Olympic athlete being blown up, there is silence. In all my life I never thought that this would happen in Canada. It is shameful.

Norman Shifman

(It is shameful and as long as Trudeau remains PM, nothing will change)