A young man from Bristol has been found guilty of sharing videos that glorified the so-called Islamic State (IS) terrorist network on an encrypted Telegram chat group. Faseh Sajid was just 18 when he started to post terrorist videos featuring armed IS fighters and executions, the Old Bailey was told.

His activities came to light after police searched his home in Speedwell on November 21, 2022, and found the material on his iPhone. Now 21, the defendant had pleaded not guilty to six counts of disseminating terrorist publications, arguing he did not intend for anyone to be encouraged or incited to commit acts of terrorism.

However, a jury has today, Thursday, August 15, found him guilty on five charges and acquitted him of one. During the trial at the Old Bailey, jurors were shown the videos he shared, with the most graphic images of killings obscured.

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The court heard how the defendant had joined a Telegram chat group in February 2022 using the pseudonym John Ross. When questioned by another user about his choice of a non-Muslim name, he allegedly replied: “Not tryna get arrested.”

Prosecutor Frederick Hookway presented evidence that the defendant also posted messages attempting to distance himself from the content. One such message included a picture of an IS fighter with the caption: “In case of investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it.”

Mr Hookway suggested that this was an attempt at “tactical deniability”. He informed jurors that it showed the defendant was aware of the potential impact of the discussions and shared materials.

The prosecutor declared: “The messages were a cynical attempt to distance himself from culpability.”

Sajid is set for sentencing at the same court on Friday, September 13.