This autumn-winter the Open Learning programme at Queen’s University Belfast features a rich and diverse range of courses.

It includes one that explores the extraordinary life of social activist Mary Ann McCracken and other remarkable Belfast women.

The programme also offers courses on creative photography, Belfast’s ties to slavery and abolition, and Italian, from the language of fashion to living life compassionately, catering to a wide variety of interests.

Mary Ann McCracken

Speaking about the programme of courses on offer, Professor Tess Maginess, director of Open Learning at Queen’s said: “We are always keen to highlight topics of contemporary importance.

“For example, we have a course on the history of the Labour party and another on the American presidency in the twentieth century.

“John Hewitt wrote a poem called ‘Once Alien Here’ and bearing this in mind, we offer a set of courses to help support those who are now strangers to our shores, including teaching English to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees (in partnership with Belfast Centre for the Unemployed), The Intercultural School (in partnership with the Educational Authority) and Understanding Refugee and Asylum Issues.”

There are courses programmed for daytime, evening and weekends and the style is informal and accessible.

“People don’t need any prior qualifications and our learners appreciate the friendly atmosphere as well as the opportunity for debate and questioning,” added Professor Maginess.

The Open Learning Programme offers a comprehensive range of language courses, where participants can learn about other cultures, enjoy travel more, increase their brain power and memory.

The new programme has courses in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Irish and Spanish from beginners through to advanced, as well as more advanced classical Greek. There are also lots of practical courses, for example in first aid as well as personal development and finance.

The courses, commencing at the end of September 2024 and January 2025, are open to the public with no prior qualifications required to join, and there are concession rates for people on benefits.

For more information and the programme please visit or email: [email protected]