In the competitive business landscape, achieving sustained growth and success requires more than dedication and hard work. It demands strategic insight, innovative thinking, and a robust support network.

For Talia Sarafilovic, Joint Managing Director of Stephens Bakery, Vistage has been the cornerstone of her journey towards transforming a family-run business into a thriving enterprise.

Here’s how Vistage has empowered Talia and her business to reach new heights…

A legacy of growth and innovation

Stephens Bakery, a 150-year-old family business in Fife, has a rich history of tradition and innovation.

Talia, who grew up watching her parents run the business, always knew she was destined to be a part of it.

After a decade of learning the ropes, she became Joint MD alongside her brother, Sean. Their primary challenge? Stabilising the business after a period of sustained growth.

She explained: “My father, Andre, and mother, Rona, successfully grew Stephens to a point where we now operate 15 sites and supply more than 200 local convenience stores.

“It was my father who suggested I join Vistage, having benefited from it himself.”

The Vistage experience

Talia’s Vistage journey began with the goal of not just growing the business but scaling it effectively.

She said: “Growing a business isn’t just about adding people. It’s about having the vision, direction, and processes to scale effectively, which is hard to achieve when you’re immersed in the day-to-day.”

Through Vistage, Talia found the perfect environment to step back from daily operations and work on the business rather than in it.

“I’ve made so many improvements I wouldn’t have achieved otherwise. Changes I’ve made range from big-ticket items to small details following a conversation I’ve had with my coach or a peer.”

The power of peer-to-peer learning

One of the most significant benefits Talia experienced was the power of peer-to-peer learning.

Vistage’s peer advisory groups, composed of non-competing business leaders, provided her with invaluable perspectives and regularly challenged her ideas.

Talia said: “Getting those outside perspectives and having my ideas challenged prevents insular thinking and helps me make better decisions.

“The amount of intelligence around my Vistage peer group table is incredible.”

Expert guidance and strategic growth

Vistage also connected Talia with seasoned business mentors who provided tailored advice and guidance.

This expert input was crucial in helping her navigate complex business challenges and develop effective strategies.

She said: “In the two years I’ve been a Vistage member – Sean is also one – our sales have grown by 20%, and this year we’ll break the £20m revenue mark.

“One of the most impactful changes was the introduction of a new management structure. This was done off the back of a lot of very useful conversations with my peers and Chair.”

Personal development and a holistic approach

Vistage’s focus on personal development has also been transformative for Talia.

The leadership skills, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being she has developed have not only made her a more effective leader but have also contributed to a healthier and more resilient business environment.

She said: “Running a business is tough, but with Vistage, I feel I’m growing a business that’s worth far more than its sales figures, and that makes me proud.”

The Vistage impact

For Talia Sarafilovic, Vistage has been more than just a support network – it has been a catalyst for growth and innovation.

She concluded: “My incredible peers, Chair, and the expert speakers we get to listen to constantly challenge and inspire me to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

“Together, we’re working towards making Stephens Bakery the best it can be.”

Find out more

In the ever-evolving business landscape, Vistage stands out as a beacon of support and excellence.

By fostering a collaborative learning environment, providing expert guidance, and promoting personal development, Vistage inspires business leaders like Talia to achieve unprecedented levels of success.

For managing directors and business leaders looking to take their businesses to new heights, Vistage offers the perfect platform to unlock their full potential and drive sustainable growth.

For further information about the advantages a Vistage peer group can give you, see