The former Chairman of the Conservative Party has said there is two-tier policing in Britain.

Sir Jake Berry said he believed the problem with trust in the police started with the Black Lives Matter protests.

Speaking on GB News Sir Jake Berry said: “I think the big mistake that the government’s made is it feels to me like the government has picked a side. It has labelled one group of people as completely far right, and it is virtually, chucking the book at them.

“People being sent to prison for 10 years for being involved in riots. People are apparently going to be sent for prison for repeating things on social media, for attending the riots – not even taking part, for going out of their house to have a look and see what’s going on.

“That’s happening on one end of the spectrum, then at the other end of the spectrum, if you take the Harehill riots, where there were 2000 people in Leeds, according to West Yorkshire Police, who came out to riot, who set fire to a bus, set fire to a police car. There’s only been 27 arrests there, and of those 27 people, only four have been remanded in custody.

“There is a two tier policing system in this country. There’s no denying that. And it started, actually, I think it’s been going on for a long time, in around 2020 when you had the Black Lives Matter protests which saw serious violence, including in Bristol.

“Let’s not forget, they actually erected a statue to commemorate those protesters, only briefly, in Bristol, where the Edward Colson statue was up.

“[This was ] serious criminal damage, which they were never found guilty.

“At the same time, you had the anti lockdown riots, where the batons came out and the police arrested people.

“At those Black Lives Matter protests, police officers were taking the knee in support of the protesters. That is two tier policing.

“The police ran away in Leeds. It is absolutely incorrect to say that the BLM riots, protests, should not have been policed in that way, because people were committing an offence by going to them in the first place, because it was during lockdown.

“On the other side of the coin, the anti lockdown riots, the Sarah Everard vigil, batons were out. The Police were arresting people. It is a two tier policing system in this country.”