If every Canadian sent Jagmeet Singh $5, the payout would be much more than that million-dollar pension he’s waiting for. Singh could stop supporting the Liberals, we could have an election and get this country back on track. Singh gets all the money-filled Gucci bags he can carry, and we can restore Canada to the great country it once was. Win-win!

Mark Yates                                                                                                                                                  Elmira, Ont.

(He probably would still support the failing Liberals and get his pension)


Am I reassured by the news that Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw sat down with Mayor Olivia Chow and others to tackle the growing plague of violence by young offenders? In reality, I doubt that the chief has much confidence in this process, but has to traverse the political landscape by accommodating the nitwits in this never-ending debate. While round the table discussions are a starting point in the process of tackling such a serious issue, they are generally conducted in a room where the floor is composed of eggshells, i.e. opinions are often tempered to avoid disagreements with participants and appearing to be “anti” ethnic. Personally, I do not agree that the real causes for youth violence stems from racism and failure of “the system.” I believe it’s about time that family and community accept some responsibility for failing those young offenders, i.e. “the state” is not responsible for raising kids.

Allan Leggate                                                                                                                                              Toronto

(Chow isn’t really interested in addressing the issue. The meeting was for optics and to claim she’s concerned)


I’m getting a little tired of these professional athletes who find it so necessary to compete in the Olympics. I know that many will argue that they belong there because they are the best that North America has to offer, but the games aren’t for millionaire narcissists — they are for hard-working amateurs who train for years in hope of winning a medal.

M. Benson                                                                                                                                                   Brampton

(It’s too late now. Certain Olympic sports will always have the pros)