Electric vehicle owners across the UK have been issued a stark warning over their finances. Research from Uswitch has shown that more than four-fifths (82 per cent) of electric vehicle owners are throwing away £379 a year due to the cost of charging their vehicles.

The money comparison site highlighted that all motorists need to do is switch from a standard variable tariff to a specific electric vehicle tariff or a time-of-use deal. As a result, drivers could be saving themselves £4 per charge. Based on the average UK driver’s annual mileage of 7,400 miles, this results in £552 a year on a price-capped tariff and £173 a year on an EV or time-of-use tariff – an annual saving of £379.

Ben Gallizzi, energy expert at Uswitch.com, said: “Every household has different needs when it comes to their energy consumption, whether you own an electric vehicle or prefer to run appliances at night, so it’s important to find the right tariff for you. Time-of-use tariffs have been around for a long time, with many households enjoying cheaper energy at night through deals like the Economy 7 tariff.

“They’re really coming into their own with the rise of electric vehicles, and charging your car at night is a great way to save a significant amount of money. It’s shocking to find that a huge number of electric vehicle owners aren’t using a tariff that could reduce their annual charging bill by hundreds of pounds.”

A time-of-use tariff charges different prices for electricity at different times of the day and is favourable for drivers who charge their vehicles overnight. In some cases, the tariff can charge as little as 7p per unit of electricity – less than a third of the current 22p cost on a price-capped tariff.

Mr Gallizzi added: “Too few people are aware of these tariffs, and we’re encouraging households to look into time-of-use deals to see if they can save money. Reach out to your current supplier to see whether a time-of-use tariff, or an electric vehicle-specific tariff would be a better option for you.

“If a time-of-use deal isn’t right for you, most households can still protect themselves from rising energy costs this winter by choosing a fixed deal. To check which fixed deals are available, run a comparison at Uswitch.com, where you’ll be able to see personalised costs based on your household consumption.”

How to choose the right tariff for your electric vehicle

  • Monitor your daily energy usage: Tariffs that offer lower rates during off-peak hours, typically late at night and early morning, are known as time-of-use tariffs. If you can shift a significant portion of your energy consumption to these times by running appliances or charging electric vehicles, these tariffs could be beneficial.
  • Consider your routine and timetable: If your schedule is flexible or if you work nights, you may naturally use more energy during off-peak times. In this case, a time-of-use tariff could lead to savings. However, if your energy usage peaks during high-demand hours and you can’t easily adjust this, these tariffs might not be the best fit.
  • Examine your appliances and their energy efficiency: Modern energy-efficient appliances often come with timer functions that allow you to schedule their operation during off-peak hours. If you have such appliances, you could make better use of time-of-use tariffs.
  • Estimate potential savings: Use your current energy bills to calculate how much you could save with a time-of-use tariff. Many energy suppliers offer online calculators or can provide personalised estimates. Ensure the potential savings outweigh any increased costs during peak hours.
  • A smart meter is necessary: Time-of-use tariffs usually require a smart meter. Check if you have the appropriate meter installed or if your supplier can provide one at no extra cost.