The elite class has “gone off a cliff,” Matt Goodwin has claimed as he revealed that the UK is “living through the greatest radicalisation of rulers since the 1960s.”

The pollster spoke to Steven Edgington on GB News as he discussed the “rise of wokeism” and explained how this can be traced all the way back to the “20th century.”

Goodwin said: “Most of the people who are writing about what’s happening in the West today in terms of the rise of Wokeism, a kind of anti-British, anti-Western outlook, trace this really back to the beginning of the 20th century.

“They say that the elite class, over time, has diverged from the country that lives around themselves and have poured scorn on the majority culture and identity as a way of trying to win more status and kudos for themselves from other elites. And that is why people are rebelling.”

u200b Matt Goodwin

Matt Goodwin says ‘we are living through the greatest radicalisation of rulers since the 1960s’


He added that the “national conversation” is treated as “a source of embarrassment” and “shame.”

He explained: “How members of the elite class talk about, for example, the English. They cannot get over the idea that there might be people in England who are not part of a football hooligan group or who are not a far-right thug, and so forth.


“They struggle to accept that many concerns that are driving ordinary people are entirely understandable and legitimate and are often about the decline of the majority group.

“The elite class has gone off a cliff. It’s moved sharply leftwards. It’s embraced these ideologies, and it’s become very disconnected. I would argue, from the viewpoint of the average voter. And I expect this will only accelerate.”

Explaining how he believes this will change, he said: “I think in England, also partly in the US if Trump wins in November, I think we will see the continuing radicalisation of the elite class.

“Andrew Sullivan, a US writer, made this point, and I think he’s right. We are currently living through the greatest radicalisation of the elite class since the 1960s.

Donald Trump

Goodwin claimed that people are rebelling against the likes of Donald Trump


“They are now rebelling against the likes of Trump and Brexit, the rise of populism, these grassroots rebellions among voters by doubling down on their own elite beliefs and values.

“So they’re moving further and further away from the average voter on many, many of these cultural identity questions.”

Asked whether he feels that the UK would be better off without immigration, the pollster explained that we “need some” but “no where near what we have.”

Matt Goodwin

He explained that the elite class has ‘gone off a cliff’


He said: “I think we need some migration, but we need to have limited migration. I think we need some migration for the National Health Service and to some extent the social care system.

“I do not think we need anything like what we currently have.”

It comes after unrest across the country where those taking part in riots were widely branded “far-right”.

The anti-immigration riots were sparked by the murder of three young girls in Southport and misinformation was spread about the background of the suspect.