A couple experienced the “shock of their lives” when they ended up delivering their own baby – in a moving Land Rover. Cat Bennett, 35, was two days overdue when she began experiencing contractions.

Her labour lasted a mere two hours – and she gave birth en route to the hospital. Husband Duncan Bennett, 39, was taken aback when Cat delivered baby Amelia on the edge of Odbridge roundabout in Taunton.

Duncan, a farmer from Somerset, said: “Cat was a couple of days over her due date. I was up early – about 7am – to check on the animals and she seemed fine. But an hour later, she was quite heavily in pain.”

Cat, who works as a veterinary receptionist, added: “I woke up perfectly fine. I’d been having Braxton Hicks contractions for many, many weeks before labour.

“But the pain became more regular, from about 7am. I told Duncan, ‘I don’t think I’m going to go out today, I just want to see how things go.’ And it just progressed from there.”

A baby clutching a Land Rover toy
Amelia clutching a Land Rover toy

Duncan called the birthing centre where Cat was scheduled to be admitted. They advised the couple to come in if they wished to – but reassured them not to hurry. Cat and Duncan hopped into their Land Rover at 8:35am on August 2. “]By the time we got off the M5, Cat needed to start pushing,” Duncan said.

“I said, ‘don’t do that – you might do more damage.’ I carried on driving, I don’t think she wanted me to panic.”

Just mere minutes from Musgrove Park Hospital, new mum Cat took a surprising DIY approach to childbirth. Her partner Duncan recounted the shocking moment, saying: “She just put a hand down there – I thought she was checking dilation. But she pulled out a baby – she literally just did it, by herself. I was absolutely shocked, and did well not to crash the car.”

Overcoming what some might see as impossible, Cat explained her relief: “I felt immediately relieved. It was very intense – and quite a short labour.”

Undeterred by the roadside delivery, they continued on to Musgrove Park with Cat cradling the newest addition, Amelia, complete with umbilical cord intact. Little Amelia tipped the scales at 6lb 7oz and, much to everyone’s relief, experienced no complications.