In a stark commentary on the Canadian economy, the CNE just had the greatest number of applications on record. The 37,000-plus applications more than doubled last year’s 18,000, although only 5,000 will actually be hired. Does this mean the federal government has run out of jobs to hand out to needy and entitled Canadians? Now what are we gonna do?

Al Willey

(Nobody should be ‘entitled’ to a job. It should be earned)


As I grew up, I was taught that far-right people believed and acted like their race was superior to all others. The KKK of the ’30s and ’40s, for example. Left were unions that fought for the working blue-collar class. Now it seems the left are those who mutilate children and the far-right is anyone they don’t agree with. Can we get past this, sit down and talk like adults?

Gordon Skinner

(Offering to mediate?)


Re “Few answers from Shapiro” (Frank Zicarelli, Aug. 8): Well, we heard the mid-season “Sermon on the Mound” from Jays president Mark Shapiro who, again, talked a lot but said nothing. The fans are tired of hearing how things will be better when, after nine years, the Jays’ brain trust has not won a championship. Leaving Cleveland was a bust after 15 years of failing to provide a championship there. So Shapiro and GM Atkins are hired by Rogers. The fans deserve better, they are loyal and are not afraid to pay the freight for tickets and the high price of a (non-Tuesday) hot dog. With the renos at the stadium, the concentration is on the bottom line by Rogers, not the baseball team. The fans deserve more than just a fancy, dressed-up ballpark. It shouldn’t take close to 10 years for Shapiro and Atkins to create a winner, if they had any baseball smarts necessary.

Gary Megaffin

(Get ready for the rebuild)