The bizarre story of the federal government’s appointment of Birju Dattani as Canada’s chief commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) took another odd twist this week.

Justice Minister Arif Virani announced that Dattani has “agreed to take leave at this time and will not begin work at the Canadian Human Rights Commission on August 8, 2024.”

When Dattani’s appointment was announced in June, three Jewish organizations called for Virani to reconsider.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre of Holocaust Studies and B’nai Brith all raised concerns about the appointment. There are claims Dattani made statements as a graduate student that appear to equate Israel with Nazi Germany, allegations of anti-Semitism and that he supported a boycott of Israel.

“His connection to individuals linked to terrorist groups and his history of anti-Semitic statements and activities demonstrate that he is not suitable for this critical position at the CHRC,” the CIJA and Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies said in a joint statement.

Virani has received a report he ordered when concerns were raised in June. The report was completed by a Toronto law firm and Virani said he needs time to consider it.

The National Post reported that Dattani denied endorsing the boycott, saying it was a scholarly interest of his and he was quoted in a newspaper endorsing the principle as a non-violent means of reducing support for Israel.

The review was conducted by a Toronto law firm. Virani said he needs time to study it before making a decision.

Conservative Deputy Leader Melissa Lantsman said Dattani should be fired.

“Nothing about this review is independent or transparent as the whole process has been set up by the same Liberals who have spent weeks trying to cover up the truth about this appointment,” Lantsman said in a statement.

This county is awash in people steeped in decades of experience advancing and promoting human rights. Any one of them could have been appointed without controversy and any one of them could do the job competently.

Virani’s choice of Dattani is divisive. It alienates this country’s Jewish community at a time when we need unity and healing. The CHRC is supposed to serve all Canadians.

How can we have confidence in the impartiality of the organization under such a commissioner?