Irish far-right thugs who travelled from north Dublin for an anti-immigration rally on Saturday later spent the night drinking with UDA members in a loyalist bar.

PSNI Assistant Chief Constable Davy Beck confirmed he had been in contact with his counterpart in the Garda to help identify the troublemakers.

Four people were arrested and three police officers injured during the disorder, with two plastic bullets fired.

Social media posts last night were already suggesting further protests this weekend.

Saturday’s far-right rally outside Belfast City Hall was organised online, with a convicted loyalist paedophile among those spreading support for it.

Sources say the UDA in south Belfast and Carrickfergus had encouraged members to “mask up” and attend.

Masked rioter near a burning car

They were joined by well-known far-right agitators from the Republic, some of whom were wrapped in tricolours as they stood alongside loyalists, including sectarian killer Glen Kane.

They were later seen drinking in a loyalist bar in Sandy Row, where sources say they received a “heroes’ welcome”.

Taoiseach Simon Harris expressed his disgust at “those flying the Irish tricolour whilst attacking police and spouting racism”. He spoke with First Minister Michelle O’Neill on Sunday.

She said: “I briefed An Taoiseach on the totally unacceptable racist attacks on people and businesses in Belfast yesterday.

“We are agreed that cooperation between the PSNI and An Garda Siochana is essential in bringing those responsible for the violence to justice and I urge anyone with information to bring it forward to the police.

“There can be no place for racism, hatred, discrimination and intimidation anywhere in our society.”

Speaking at a PSNI press conference on Sunday, Mr Beck said: “I have personally spoken to my counterpart in An Garda Siochana and we will work really closely with them, and they have given me that reassurance that they will work closely with us to identify all those — either north or south — who were responsible for yesterday’s activities.”

He rejected criticism of officers who were on the ground as local businesses, including a supermarket owned by a Syrian refugee, were attacked.

He said: “I do not accept that. I do regret that people attacked businesses, and that is wrong and that is where the fault lies, with those who set out with violence in their mind, and we will bring those people to justice.

“There were four reports of assault made to police involving members of the public. Serious injuries, thankfully, were not reported.

“Three police officers also sustained injuries as a consequence of this disorder; two officers remained on duty and one officer was relieved from duty after suffering concussion.

“Such attacks on officers are totally unacceptable and I would place on record my gratitude for the professional actions of officers as they dealt with yesterday’s events.”

He said police had received 13 reports of criminal damage.

He explained: “Some of these reports included extensive damage caused to local businesses, with windows being broken and damage also caused to vehicles parked in the local community — some of which were burnt out.

Firefighters tackling a blaze on Saturday night

“There were also five reports of arson, including a bin being set on fire, youths throwing petrol bombs and fire damage to business premises in the Donegall Road area.

“It was necessary to evacuate an apartment block in a building set on fire, such was the recklessness of the disorder.

“We are working hard to identify all those responsible in this criminal disorder and those involved will be dealt with using the full force of the law.

“We are now in the process of gathering evidence, CCTV and other footage of yesterday’s events and anyone who has information or who can help identify those responsible is asked to contact police on 101.”

Police Federation chair Liam Kelly also condemned the violence and defended officers on the ground.

He said: “Our teams showed professionalism throughout in the face of such hate filled racism and far-right thuggery.

“This is not who we are. This is not the Belfast that has made great progress.

“Hate has no place on our streets and it has to stop before it causes further damage or results in innocent people being hurt by the baying mob.”

Criticism of the alliance between protesters north and south also came from loyalist blogger Jamie Bryson, who said that while there were “legitimate and deeply held concerns”, they were not reflected by “masked thugs rampaging attacking property or in people doing appalling Nazi salutes”.

He added: “It strikes me therefore as somewhat of an absurdity that some of those from within unionism and loyalism, who are legitimately concerned about the traditional fabric of areas and communities being eroded, appear to see it as fruitful to make common alliances with those who are aggressively and passionately devoted to Irish nationalism.”