Dr John Kyle is a former deputy leader of the PUP, the UVF’s political wing.

He represented the loyalist party on Belfast City Council for 16 years.

The party was formed after UVF men who were in prison decided to focus on a political way to support their communities.

One of those men was Gusty Spence, who led the loyalist paramilitary group from prison.

Dr Kyle, who spent his working life as a GP in his native East Belfast, says the UVF-linked party was not his natural home, but that he felt that PUP leader David Ervine had a strong vision to transform unionist communities.

Now retired, he’s lost none of his passion for east Belfast, reconciliation and the union.

Dr Kyle joins Ciarán Dunbar to discuss the future of loyalism, education and working-class unionism, and whether he believes there is any real threat to the union.

Ex-PUP deputy leader John Kyle on Gusty Spence and prospects of Irish Unity

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