John Snobelen says that most Canadians will not vote for Justin Trudeau in the next election (“Protecting Trudeau ruining political careers,” Aug. 3). In fact, no Canadians will vote for him in the next election because we don’t get to vote for prime minister. Votes are cast for local representatives only and Liberals always field the most popular names/faces because they know most Canadians haven’t got a clue about politics. This is why Trudeau was re-elected last time and why he will probably get re-elected again this time. Sadly, Conservatives still haven’t figured this out. While, on paper Poilievre should win with a majority government, I won’t be surprised when he doesn’t. Hope I’m wrong!

Rick Mailloux

(We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves but it is going to be a huge task for Trudeau to turn his political fortunes around before the next election as poll after poll has shown the majority of Canadians want him out. But anything can happen since there is still time)


As the editorial “Recessions, not taxes, reduce carbon emissions” (Aug. 2) correctly states, the government doesn’t keep track on the impact of carbon pricing on emissions. Not only that, there are a number of carbon-emitting sources which are not even included in the emission reports which are tracked. For example, the full lifecycle impact of trees, as discussed by Philip Cross in a recent Financial Post column, is never included, because of the difficulty of measuring these emissions … but they do occur. The Liberal government’s expenditures to drag Canada into a no-fossil-fuel environment are astronomical, when the $200 billion for reduction emission programs are added to the $98.5 billion committed to EV projects. One has to wonder where all the money is coming from.

Duane Sharp

(The money is coming from taxpayers hence the Liberals’ complete disregard for their reckless spending)


Re “How did accused duo enter Canada?” (Brad Hunter, Aug. 2): It just boggles the mind that people who have known ties to terror organizations such as ISIS can gain citizenship in our country! It is time that we re-examine our immigration policies and those in charge of implementing those lax policies in a most serious manner.

Irwin Diamond

(Another failure exposing lax policies)