The Jasper fires are a disaster: Tens of thousands of acres of woods burned, lives disrupted (although thankfully no lives lost), and buildings destroyed.

But as one seasoned observer was quoted, fires are a necessary part of the ecology. And true enough, within days, new green growth was spotted amongst the ashes.

And the debate as to whether the newly woke Parks Canada contributed to the destruction by abandoning solid forestry practice by allowing dead and diseased timber to remain in place, fuelling the fire, rages on. Was this natural occurrence torqued by bureaucratic bumbling?

And the expected “demands” from journalists and letter writers published in traditional papers for the federal government to instantly halt further destruction by “stopping” the climate from changing— imparting God-like attributes to Trudeau — must be Justin Liberals, I guess. Just stop oil, and the world will be fine.

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These demands were not from scientists, but well-intentioned, totally ignorant prophesiers who have not done any research into the history of fires anywhere, much less Jasper (just do it — there have been scores documented over the years).

So, there we have it: Tragedy one — the fire.

Tragedy two: A healthy and natural fire turned more ugly by idiots?

Tragedy three: A continued show of stupidity by mainstream editors across the country, (most of whom are now officially government-paid bureaucrats thanks to Trudeau’s ill-conceived and muddle-headed attempts to stop natural change in a news industry that needs change) in publicizing baseless theories, blaming all the ills of the world upon the inability of government to change the way of the natural world.

Tragedy one is over.

Tragedy two should be the topic of informed and respectful discussion, brought to a conclusion very soon so as to mitigate against more disasters.

Tragedy three requires a real debate — without the hysterics of simpletons — on how to prepare for climate change. That discussion can’t start soon enough.

We have generations of otherwise well-educated and certainly well-intentioned citizens who have been imbued by woke academics, and government-sustained media, with the mantra that the answer to all the ills is just to stop oil. It is rubbish.

We need to accept that the climate is changing (always has), and we need to understand that Canadians are not prepared to freeze in the dark, or accept the diminution of their standard of living that Trudeau has brought on with his ridiculous policies.

Only then will we begin to deal with the issues imposed by climate change, so as to prepare for the real world that future generations will be facing.