It is plain and simple to see that Justin Trudeau is a love child, wear-a-flower-in your-hair generation. Love and peace while Russia, the Chinese, and anybody else could invite and stake claim to our North. For God’s sake and common sense, quit wasting money on stupid, frivolous gestures that do nothing for anyone except the woke and properly prepare our Armed Forces to protect our sovereignty and borders. How about creating a new industry building ships and equipment for the military? Sorry, I forgot, you spent our billions on batteries, but this way, the money would stay here, create jobs, and protect our country.

John Hutchins

(Russia and China will continue to push in the Arctic and Canada has no response. And we can’t even rely on the Americans right now as there is equally weak leadership)


What a heart-wrenching and tear-filled tribute to Bonnie Crombie by Taylor Deasley (“Ontario Liberals are telling the wrong story. It’s time to change direction,” July 31). Nobody has endured the tough life she had. And by the way … so what? She is a Liberal at the end of the day who believes in giving the hardworking Ontarian the shaft. I bet she admires the man who runs the federal government. He had the tough life too! The Conservatives are not perfect but at least I am better off with Ford than any Liberal or NDP premier.

Rick Dwornikiewicz
Delhi, Ont.

(It’s the reason why Ford is well ahead in public opinion and will likely win another term)


Re “PM’s climate plan costs $200 billion” (Editorial, July 31): To do what? Reduce our 1.5% of the world’s emissions? Those billions should have gone to Parks Canada to clean up debris, purchase water bombers, and other forest management activities, thereby avoiding the devastation in Jasper. Or how about replacing the 100-year-old sewer system in Toronto, avoiding the recent floods. Neither of these disasters were caused by climate change, as the government would have us believe. It was a total lack of foresight and mismanagement.

Jane Gilbert

(The extreme left want to cast any of these instances as a climate crisis. It’s easier to do that then actually address the real problems)