The INLA have been suspected of receiving ‘dark money’ from the Russian State.

The paramilitary group has had an upsurge in activity over the summer, including an attack on a homeless charity last month.

A car was driven into the shutters of west Belfast’s Welcome Centre before being set alight.

Shortly after the incident a mural which threatened to shoot any workmen that tried to repair the damage appeared.

The INLA, who were previously alleged of the murders of Jim ‘JD’ Donegan and Sean fox in recent years, have been accused of openly supporting Vladimir Putin’s warmongering regime.

Public and vocal support of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has come from members of the IRSP, the political wing of the INLA.

This week, Continuity IRA boss John Connolly was seen supporting Russia from the British embassy in Dublin. He’s described Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as ‘a proxy war that is funded by NATO’.

INLA accused of receiving Russian State ‘Dark Money’ amid Republican support for war in Ukraine

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The association between Republicanism and Russia goes back to during the Irish Civil war, when the Soviets were supportive of Republicans’ efforts to establish an independent republic.

The Soviet Union continued to support the IRA during the troubles, providing weaponry and training.

In March 2022, several Russian diplomats were expelled from Ireland after they were found holding meetings with both Republican Dissidents and Loyalist Paramilitaries.

Olivia Peden is joined by Sunday Life reporter John Toner.