The moment temperatures go up, I feel all I can think of is being in the water. It may be very Catalan of me, but I certainly feel the heat is made so much more bearable by cool water.

And, while I often miss the Mediterranean, I have been exploring what water offerings the Bristol area has in recent months and have been impressed. From the lido in Street to the one in Cirencester, and from the one in Bristol to the one in Portishead, I am making my way around them.

However, there was one popular spot I was not that keen on going back to: Warleigh Weir in Bath. I went to the wild swimming spot on the outskirts of Bath – a 45-minute drive from Bristol – a couple of years ago with some friends and I found it too busy.


Having to park far away, it was quite a walk by the time I got there and, once I made it to the weir, there were so many people everywhere drinking and having a barbeque it was hardly relaxing. Now having a toddler in tow with me, this didn’t feel like the right place to take him.

However, a conversation with a colleague this week persuaded me to give it another try; get there early, was his advice. So, instead of heading there in the evening like last time, we were on our way to Bath by 9.30am.

A cow stop on the way down to the weir

The moment I was nearby I could tell this was going to be a very different experience; I was able to park right by the lane, rather than a 15-minute walk away like last time. In fact, there were some spaces down the lane itself when we walked down.

After a slow stroll down to the Weir – we had to stop to look at some cows and a train go past – we were in the water by 10.30am. When we got there, there were only a handful of other people there (mostly families) and it felt peaceful.

There were plenty of shallower bits for my son to toddle about and, when we were done with the water, we sat down in the grass to have some lunch. Even though it was close to noon by this point and a few more people had arrived, there was still lots of space left around us and it didn’t feel busy at all.

The steep lane down to Warleigh Weir

Going there as a mum with a toddler, compared to as a younger woman with friends like I was last time, what I would be looking for would be very different. However, I was very pleasantly surprised by what a nice time we had and I hope to come back very soon.

So, next time it warms up, why not try one of the lovely water spots in the area? That is certainly what I will be doing.