A woman was given 10 per cent chance of survival after she tripped and fell down a flight of stairs. Taleese Penna, 38, was round at her friend’s house watching the Australian Football League and the National Rugby League Grand Finals on October 2, 2023.

They had a few drinks and a BBQ before Taleese went up to check on her three kids – Flynn ,15, Kyron ,12, Azalyah ,10. She misplaced her foot on the first step back down the stairs, and fell down a flight of 12 steps – landing flat on her face.

The fall left her unconscious and Kyron – who was following her – screamed for her husband, Shane Penna, 42, an engineer, who called for an ambulance. Taleese was blue-lighted to the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia – where she spent 81 days in and out of a coma and had five surgeries.

Taleese Penna after surgery in the Royal Brisbane Woman’s Hospital (Image: Taleese Penna/ SWNS)

After the fall, Taleese has lost her sense of taste and smell but otherwise made a full recovery. The beautician, from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, said: “I was given a 10 per cent chance of survival with my family and children being prepared for the worse and told to say their goodbyes.

“The only positive was that because we were close to the city, the ambulances arrived in five and a half minutes. The stairs were dark and old – it looked like they have been done fairly cheaply. There was barely any lighting and it was close to black.”

Recalling the accident, she said: “It was pretty much a blur, and I can remember walking to the stairs but after that I don’t remember. I was unconscious from the very top. There are chances that I will have dreams and visions which I have been warned about.”

Her first surgery took five hours and involved the removal of the left side of her skull. Taleese said: “It allowed for my brain to swell. I contracted meningitis and sepsis in hospital, had over 12 blood clots and was neutropenic. I had 2 to 3 seizures in the hospital which was scary.

“I was in and out of several comas and I was going into renal failure – occurs when the kidneys are unable to filter and clean blood properly. The kids were told that I wasn’t going to make it and that they were to expect the very worst.”

Throughout her time in hospital, Taleese had six surgeries: “They took another part of the skull. The other one was to remove the infection from the meningitis and the sepsis. There was one to hose out the remove the blood clot out of the brain.”

She said: “I’m only 38 but feel 68. Mentally I’m still partly in denial but I’m a tough person and I’ve always been tough and I would say I’m completely irrational. At one point I had 44-degree temperatures, which usually means death.”

The sixth surgery was to put the skull back on which took five and half hours, on February 21, 2024 After 81 days in hospital and rehabilitation, Taleese was discharged.

She said: “It felt like I was relearning. I was leaning how to chew food again which was hard. It was mainly just playfulness. I was a little bit worried about my dogs and they were really gentle.”