When Canadians elect a federal government, are there not responsibilities that these politicians take on, rules that they must follow, ethics and morals it is assumed that they will have? Well, it is clear to me that not only do the Liberals not have any of these qualities but neither do the NDP, Bloc or Green party. The political left has gone extremist. They have failed to spend taxes responsibly, allowed runaway immigration, lawlessness, drugs, health-care overload. Canadians need to sue these politicians.

Glenn Cunningham


(The best we can do is throw them out of office at the first opportunity. In just over a year’s time, Canadians will have that chance to show the Liberals the door.)


Re “Pillaging your pocket” (Lorrie Goldstein, July 30): We’re told that nowadays 43% of the average Canadian family’s income is spent paying taxes, a 9.5% increase from 1961. Hence, families are currently spending significantly less income to purchase necessities like food, shelter and clothing. Much of this problem is attributable to the excessive taxation imposed by the Trudeau government. For instance, Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax has increased energy prices by about 30% and helped push many Canadians to the financial breaking point. In fact, CIBC reports that almost 50% of Canadians have no emergency savings. Moreover, in Canada bankruptcy filings rose by 40% in 2023. So it’s incomprehensible that Trudeau doesn’t seem to realize the damage he has done.

Claudio Ceolin


(Trudeau will never acknowledge it. In his mind, his government has done a great job. Just ask him.)


Around four years ago, my doctor retired. We have one doctor who takes patients and three doctors who work at the hospital but will not take patients. So I think about one out of five people here have a doctor. That would not be so bad if I was not age 60 with diabetes, PTSD and a heart attack in 2013. I guess once you retire, the quicker you die the better!

Edward Whiting

Cochrane, Ont.

(No, you need to live after you retire — the problem is our broken health-care system is allowed to continue to sink because not one politician is willing to implement true reforms.)