A homeless man accused of pushing a Tube passenger on to the tracks has been found guilty of attempted murder.

Kurdish migrant Brwa Shorsh, 24, shoved stranger Tadeusz Potoczek, 61, at Oxford Circus Underground station in central London on February 3.

Mr Potoczek, a postman who was on his way home from work, narrowly missed touching the live rail on the southbound Victoria Line.

He was helped back up to the platform by another passenger, and the driver of an oncoming train has said that “if he had been on the track a few seconds later, he would have been killed”, Inner London Crown Court heard.

He was found guilty by a jury after just 32 minutes of deliberations.

Speaking to the defendant after the verdict, Mr Justice Kelleher said: “You have been found guilty of attempted murder, which is a very serious offence, and a long prison sentence will follow.”

Shorsh will be sentenced on September 26.