It was a sporting bombshell that rocked the whole of Ireland. Now 22 years after Republic of Ireland football captain Roy Keane and manager Mick McCarthy had a disagreement that eventually became a national crisis, the reasons why Keane was sent home from the World Cup in Japan and South Korea in 2002 are to be turned into a movie.

The incident caused such debate in Dublin that wreaths were left at the headquarters of the Football Association of Ireland.

The team behind Good Vibrations are involved in the project and Steve Coogan is lined up to play McCarthy. They’re starting to put together the right ingredients to make it a fascinating watch for those who remember the time of the Saipan incident.

Though he might have a thing or two to say about football these days in his work as a pundit on TV, we’re not expecting Roy Keane to turn film critic any time soon – though his opinion on what he sees would likely be every bit as good a watch as the details in the movie. Will he even watch it? Probably more likely to go walking the dog.