Rory Reilly of Strangford Coastal Rowing Club talks about his health and habits

Do you take regular exercise and if so, what?

I would say I exercise frequently rather than regularly! I row with like-minded similarly aged characters on Strangford Lough and in my single offshore boat. We row all year round, but weather is the controlling factor. It is a wonderful community rowing club.

We have young people aged 12 and up, mums and dads who can book rowing slots which take into account their different family and work commitments, and an older crowd who can row during the day and have a debrief in The Cake Shop afterwards.

I also spend time coaching, mainly children, at Strangford Coastal Rowing Club. Last year the club received a £1,000 donation from the Fibrus Play it Forward Fund which allowed us to purchase life jackets for the junior members. The Fibrus Funding has had a significant impact on our ability to train and compete successfully as a club. It has allowed us to keep membership fees low and reduce barriers which might deter young people from taking up the sport, which is really important to us as a club. Over the years we have developed a pathway for our junior rowers and have strong links with Queen’s University Boat Club and Cove Rowing Club in Antrim. We want to continue to establish pathways for our junior members so that they can progress onwards to club or university-level rowing when they are older.

What is the worst illness you’ve had?

Intrahepatic Choledocholithiasis, where my whole biliary system was blocked with gallstones. Hopefully the removal of my gallbladder earlier this year will prevent future flare-ups. Getting back to some level of fitness after this is proving to be quite a challenge, but I’ll get there.

How healthy is your diet?

I would say that my diet is pretty good overall. I love food and like to eat as wide a range as possible.

Any bad habits?

Outside of general laziness and scrolling on my phone? No, none, though my family might not agree with that.

Do you smoke? If so, how much?

Not since the 70s. Smoking is also quite incompatible with my rowing so that got knocked on the head.

How do you take time out?

I like to have a mix of work, gardening and rowing during my week. I suppose my regular time out is having a coffee every day, as close to 11am as possible. We have a wonderful coffee roastery in Strangford where I can indulge myself. I am also keen to get back to taking trips again, whether it is to meet up with family, friends or just visit some interesting places. My immediate family are pretty central to my existence and all live close by except my eldest who currently lives in Rio, but I’m hoping I’ll get out there to visit pretty soon.

How well do you sleep?

Probably too well. The summertime is the best, going to sleep to the sound of the waves gently breaking on the beach. That said, the Solstice swimmers had me awake very early this year.

Do you worry about getting old?

At my age that would be pretty pointless. I feel a bit like the Morris Minor that I owned many years ago — some bits fell off, other bits wore out, holes appeared here and there, rust became a problem, but usually there was a mechanic that could get me back on the road.

What is your go-to product that keeps you feeling healthy?

The view, I’m lucky enough to live by the sea and the ever-changing seascape, tides, boats and wildlife. The go-to organisation must be the Rowing Club. The real highlight is rowing alongside the two dolphins that hang around Strangford and frequently appear beside us. Suncream is also the ultimate protector and very much needed when I’m out and about on the water.