A firm that turned a large field near Bristol into a commercial allotment site is facing a new battle after the council told them they will need planning permission for much of the infrastructure they’ve created after all.

While the creation of more than 600 individual allotment plots on a field next to Leigh Woods doesn’t need planning permission itself, North Somerset Council has told bosses at Roots Allotments that they have less than a month to apply for permission for much of the infrastructure they’ve installed around it – including installing water pipes and troughs, matting on the ground at the entrance and a shipping container to store tools and equipment.

The men behind the Roots Allotments project said they are baffled by the council’s latest move – it comes after North Somerset set out what they could do to create the allotment project – and pointed out if troughs of water in a field now need planning permission, North Somerset Council is effectively ‘trying to change planning law’.

Read next: Council to keep controversial allotments ‘under review’ as Roots begins to create biggest site in Bristol

Read more: Controversial allotments firm say ‘last thing we want to do is harm nature’

North Somerset Council sent the letter to Roots Allotments earlier this month, telling the firm its council officers have been monitoring the set up of the giant allotment project in the village of Abbots Leigh since the spring, when the first allotment holders took up their plots. Around 350 plots have already been created, with another 300 in the pipeline, and ultimately 700 in total. Roots say all 600 have already been snapped up by would-be gardeners in a city where people often have to wait years to get a plot on a council or society allotment.

The site at Abbots Leigh was supposed to be Roots’ second site up and running – the firm started in Bath in 2022 – but the huge controversy over the location and battles with local residents in the village mean the firm has already set up a total of eight sites across the country.

After a bitter 18-month row with villagers, Roots Allotments pressed on with setting up the site at Abbots Leigh, using permitted development rights, and didn’t apply for planning permission – to the fury of local residents, who object to the project on many grounds, particularly the impact on a grass meadow and the increase in traffic as people drove from Bristol onto the site to do their gardening. The allotments cost more than council allotments — at £9.99 to £49.99 a month — but include seeds, courses, and access to tools.

Police intervene between residents and Roots Allotments in Abbots Leigh North Somerset, Thursday 20 April 2023, after the Roots tried to get a shipping container on site using a private road where residents have taken an objection to.
Police intervene between residents and Roots Allotments in Abbots Leigh North Somerset, Thursday 20 April 2023, after the Roots tried to get a shipping container on site using a private road where residents have taken an objection to. (Image: PAUL GILLIS / Reach PLC)

In November last year, the plans were given the go-ahead by North Somerset Council, with planners conceding the allotment project didn’t need a change of use planning permission, after an 11-month fight.

Police previously attended the site of the allotments in April 2023 over a standoff between locals and Roots and in October 2023, when some locals blockaded access to the field as contractors tried to install a fence.

In February this year, North Somerset Council explained in detail what Roots Allotments could do, and confirmed the company would not need planning permission to turn an agricultural field into an allotment, but the council was ‘keeping the situation under review’, and would be ‘taking legal advice as required’.

What has changed?

Six months later, and now council planners have told Roots bosses they do need to get planning permission for a list of changes they’ve made to the field, and have also threatened them with prosecution if they don’t apply for and get planning permission.

The council has told Roots it needs specific planning permission for the new access into the field, and the ‘laying of matting at the entrance’ and matting to create an access track into the site. The firm has also been told it needs planning permission for the ‘engineering operations to provide a water supply and associated water standpipes and troughs’, the ‘siting of a metal container and associated access ramp’, the laying of electric cabling and installation of solar panels, the installation of four bicycle stands, and two pole-mounted CCTV cameras, which the firm said it put up as a security measure following a number of incidents where local residents disrupted work to create the site.

A residents' Land Rover blocks the entrance and exit to a field in Abbots Leigh where Roots Allotments workers are preparing the ground for a controversial allotment site
A residents’ Land Rover blocks the entrance and exit to a field in Abbots Leigh where Roots Allotments workers are preparing the ground for a controversial allotment site (Image: Bristol Post/Paul Gillis)

Roots has less than a month to apply for planning permission or face enforcement action, and the firm is understood to be consulting with

Roots Allotments founders Christian Samuel and Ed Morrison told Bristol Live they believe the council has backtracked on its February statement – in which the council effectively said the infrastructure associated with creating an allotments was part of the permitted development to turn an agricultural field into a series of 600 or more individual agricultural plots.

The firm said council planners across the country where Roots were setting up had not taken North Somerset’s position, and sites across the country were already set up without any issues.

“Not only is it disappointing to see North Somerset Council looking to U-turn on its original acceptance, it is astonishing that it is effectively trying to change planning and agriculture law that will impact every field, every framer and every grower across the UK,” said Mr Samuel. “This includes permission for things like water troughs which have been staples on every farm and field for generations.

“This is all despite support from every other council we work with across the UK. These councils who support our approach and all agree that allotments are agricultural which is not a change of use from farmland, so does not require planning,” he added.

“The actions of North Somerset Council threaten the 350-plus growers in Bristol who finally have access to a shared space to grow nutritious food, as well as market gardens which will help provide produce for those who struggle to buy quality fruit and veg.

William Gay, Joshua Gay, Ed Morrison and Christian Samuel, who have set up Roots, a business that sets up and runs allotments. The first is near Newbridge in Bath and there are plans for a second site in Bristol
William Gay, Joshua Gay, Ed Morrison and Christian Samuel, who have set up Roots, a business that sets up and runs allotments. The first is near Newbridge in Bath and there are plans for a second site in Bristol (Image: Roots)

“It also threatens all efforts to address a nationwide allotment shortage and the massive wait times seen across the country. This is hugely worrying. It is also ironic given that the letter from the council came in the same week that the Soil Association called for the need to double the amount of fruit and vegetables to be grown in the UK,” he said.

“We will continue to fight this and fight for people’s right to grow food. We are grateful to our members across Bristol and North Somerset and our supporters across the UK who believe in our mission.

“Roots Allotments has always been about community, and now, more than ever, we need your support. We urge the public and our supporters to voice their concern and stand with us in this critical moment. Our fight is not just about Abbots Leigh; it’s about ensuring that future generations have the opportunity to grow their own food and foster a sustainable way of living. If this is successful, it will threaten the way of life of every farmer and everybody who wants to grow food across the country,” he added.

Local residents in the village of Abbots Leigh, on the west side of the Clifton Suspension Bridge, who are against the project have welcomed the intervention of the council’s planning department, which follows almost two years of a bitter row between local residents, the company and the council over the scheme.

Gino Rosolek, one of the 3,000 locals and supporters who signed a petition opposing the development, said: “We are hugely relieved that Roots has finally been made to do the right thing. This has taken a huge toll on our community and caused endless anxiety and stress not just for locals but for the wildlife too.

“We’ve crowdfunded to raise the money to take on this lawyered-up developer, which from the outset was blatant in its plans to run roughshod over planning laws and the local community,” she added.

“From day one, all we’ve ever asked is for Roots to apply for planning permission and engage with the local community. Instead, a company which pertains to be all about ‘good vibes’ and ‘green communities’ has ignored every plea to do the right thing and follow due process. We’re delighted that North Somerset Council has now enforced this,” she added.

Roots now has until the middle of August to submit a retrospective planning application for the list of items the council has provided, or face council enforcement action if they don’t. Councillors will then make a decision on whether to permit or refuse planning permission, and if the application is refused, Roots can appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. The allotment site can still operate as it has while the planning process plays out.