A woman who courted infamy after flashing her breast while walking alongside a Twelfth parade has been filmed topless while waving a Palestinian flag at Croke Park on Sunday.

Clodagh Byrne (31) said she was prevented from waving the flag by an official at the stadium during the All Ireland Senior Football Championship, won by Armagh after they played Galway on Sunday.

In a social media post, Ms Byrne said the official asked her to “stop flying my Palestine flag and cover up whilst two men have their tops off and nipples exposed beside me”.

She added: “Again, I was cited legislation by the Gardai that has no reference to the female breast, let alone one that is covered by an orange nipple cover. Jaysus this judicial review cannot come quick enough. Women are sick to the bone of the double standards in Irish society. #titsoutbritsout #freepalestine”

In a video uploaded by Ms Byrne to Instagram, she asked the official whether he was being “serious” in asking her to stop waving the flag. “There’s children being blown up, executed,” she said.

In a recent podcast, Ms Byrne claimed a loyalist band dubbed her the “Taylor Swift of loyalism” after her display on the Lisburn Road earlier this month and said she has been able to see “beyond the hate” in relation to the Twelfth.

Appearing on the Whiskey n’ White podcast, produced by boxers Tyrone McKenna and Tommy McCarthy, Ms Byrne said she was a social worker who had worked with Protestant children – and brought them to watch parades.

She also said she lost her virginity to a Protestant.

Woman flashes shocked onlookers during Belfast Twelfth parade

Ms Byrne had previously told Belfast Magistrates Court she was an “absolute eejit” for the incident at the Twelfth parade.

Speaking from Strabane custody suite following her arrest, Clodagh Byrne said her display was part of a “creative process” intended to “ease tensions”. She was also accused of trespassing on the grounds of Campbell College and making an explicit video in one of its classrooms.

She was charged with seven offences including indecent behaviour, committing an act outraging public decency, obstructing a lawful public procession and behaviour likely to stir up hatred.

She is also accused of sending an indecent message over a public communications network sometime between July 11 and 13, trespass on the property of Campbell College in east Belfast on July 11 and of using insulting words likely to cause fear or hatred on the same date.

Ms Byrne is also accused of attempting to hinder a public procession and of indecent behaviour on July 12.

During the proceedings, Ms Byrne addressed the court and apologised for her behaviour. She also said she would be donating money to the “loyalist people” as a result.

Ms Byrne, who now lives in Sligo, was later freed on her own bail of £250 and ordered her to live at her parents’ address on the Tullycar Road outside Castlederg.

Croke Park has been asked for a response.

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