The spy scandal unfolding on our national soccer team could not be happening at the worst time. Just when we’re beginning to gain the respect from around the soccer world we go and blow it. Who was in charge of calculating the risk versus reward factor on this one? How can spying on practice training help our team on the field enough to be worth risking such embarrassment?

Perry Marinucci
Richmond Hill

(It is disgraceful. And what did it accomplish? Nothing)


The so-called party of democracy in the U.S.A. convinced President Biden to stop his run for reelection, and without any voters casting a vote for her Harris is the new Democratic nominee. More than 14 million people voted for Biden. Yet, he is shown the door, apparently due to poor health and cognitive issues. Yes, the party that claims democracy will die with a second Trump presidency subverts the democratic process in their attempt to hold on to power at all costs.

Michael Leonard Florio

(The question remains, if he is incapable of running again, how can Biden finish the remainder of his term? The real answer is the Democrats pushed him out because he was going to lose the election and was dragging down ballot support)


Bravo Brian Lilley! (“LCBO just a bully,” July 25) Finally, someone did the research to call out this lying, incompetent, monopoly corporation. They pretend to serve the Ontario public, but their only interest is themselves. They may be the largest purchaser of liquor in the world, but, as pointed out in this expos(C), they pay the second highest price in Canada after P.E.I. and do not provide the largest variety of products. Alberta, with five million citizens, boast more products by label than Ontario with 12 million people. And, if you ever scanned the LCBO website, which is one of the most cumbersome of all online retail locations, you will find that many, many, many products are out of stock. Time to privatize.

Larry Sylvester
Acton, Ont.

(End the monopoly)