A nurse who was found with images of a man having sex with a corpse and who incited a 13-year-old boy into sexual activity has been struck-off. Paul Meechan, 57, is currently behind bars after being convicted in 2023 of 10 sexual offences which included possessing videos and images of children and babies being abused.

Now it has emerged that drug-abuser Meechan was working as a mental health nurse in Wales at the time of his offending and had been a nurse for 24 years. A Nursing and Midwifery Council fitness to practice panel has struck-off the pervert saying the nature of his offences indicated “harmful deep-seated problems”.

It also referred to evidence that Meechan, despite his protestations, continued to present as a “medium risk of causing serious harm towards children under the age of 18-years-old”. In its redacted published decision, the panel told the Cardiff man: “Your conduct brought the nursing profession into disrepute and you breached its fundamental tenets of complying with the law and upholding the profession’s standards and values.”

It rejected his request for the hearing to be held completely in private but instead opted to hear some evidence in private. At Newport Crown Court last June, Meechan was sentenced to a total of 32-months imprisonment after he admitted offences including engaging in sexual communication with a child and inciting a 13-year-old boy into sexual activity.

Wales Online reported at the time that he was arrested in December 2021 after he was found to have been speaking to a teenager. His electronic devices were seized and they revealed disgusting images depicting child abuse and necrophilia.

The court heard Meechan possessed an image of a person having sex with a corpse, along with children as young as seven-months-old being abused. Meechan, of Llanfair Road, Pontcanna, also confessed to possessing category A, B, and C images, possessing extreme and prohibited images and distributing category A and B images.

He was made subject to a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO). Passing sentencing, Judge Wayne Beard said: “These images can only produce revulsion in right thinking people… Part of what went on here was your involvement in drugs. You sought to minimise the offences by saying you received no sexual gratification from the images but were interested in them because they were illegal. “

The NMC tribunal heard one of the charges Meechan admitted was possessing extreme pornographic image or images portraying an act of intercourse/oral sex with a dead/alive animal. In its redacted published decision, the panel said that following Meechan’s arrest, a safeguarding meeting was held during which it was confirmed he had resigned after being suspended by his employer. Other details were redacted.

It heard that Meechan was eligible to be released on licence this October although his full sentence would not be completed until February 2026. It said: “You (Meechan) told the panel that you do not oppose the potential strike-off decision, and that you fully accept that your actions have not brought you to a good standing in the nursing profession.

“You explained to the panel that prior to this, you had an unblemished period of 24 years of good standing in the nursing profession. You set out to the panel that you are sad that this seems to have been obliterated by the impact of your actions. You told the panel that you are not of the view that your actions are excusable, but that in terms of the context, your offending was not intentional.”

The panel said the aggravating factors in the case included: ” The vulnerability of Child A, who you knew was 13 years old, but you persisted in your communication to incite them to engage in sexual activity.”

It said the mitigating factors were Meechan’s early admissions and that he had sought to remove himself from the NMC register by way of agreed removal but had nevertheless engaged with the hearing. Finding the convicted pervert’s fitness to practice impaired and striking his name from the nursing register, the panel said: “In the panel’s judgement, your actions were fundamentally incompatible with you remaining on the nursing register.”